One Way or Another

20 Temperature Rising

Ray’s POV

I had just cracked open Jess’ back, now I was helping her up the stairs.

“You okay Jess?”


“Kay.” I looked at my now official girlfriend. “I’m really sorry Jess.”

She looked at me while we reached the top of the stairs. “It’s okay, but I know how you can make it up to me…”

“How?” I asked.

“Come. ―well you have to help me into the shower, so you might as well come in with me…”

“Ooo I just might have ta.”

“I think you just might…” She hinted seductively.

I fell for it even though we had just had sex. “But just to shower Jess.” I spoke sternly.

She nodded, she pointed at a door. “That’s the bathroom, if you didn’t know that.”

“Okay.” I made her stand in the hall, while I knocked on the door. “Is anyone in there?”

“Hang on a sec Ray!”

“Okay Frank, make it snappy.”

The door knob turned, and Frank stepped out. “What happened to her?” Frank asked as he pointed at Jess.

“I uh.. cracked open a wound.”

His eyes flooded with concern. “Is she okay?”

“She will be after we have a shower.” I stated.

“Oh okay.” He smiled.

“And you’re not watching that.”

He pouted and went downstairs. I went over to Jess. “You okay?”


“You sure?”

“Just get me into the shower Ray.” She said clearly in pain.

“Come on.” I gave her my arm and helped her into the bathroom. Once inside the bathroom I got Jess to sit on the toilet seat. I looked around the luxurious bathroom. I had only used the downstairs bathroom, that one only had a toilet and a sink.

The bathroom was the same size of Jess’ room, very large. The bathroom had a Jacuzzi, shower stall, and a big ass bath tub. There was a counter with two sinks in it that stretched all along a wall. It had a mega ass mirror above that stretched the length of the counter, rigged up with lights all around it. And in one of the corners was a little waterfall with some fish in the itty bitty pond beneath it.

I looked over at Jess. She was trying to smile. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay I know you haven’t been in this bathroom.”

I shook my head she misunderstood. “No I’m sorry.”

“Oh..” She looked down at her feet. “Its okay Ray.” She looked up at me. “Ow. ―Start the tub please.”

“Okay.” I walked over the ginormus tub, and turned on the hot water. I waited till I saw steam, then I slowly added cold water. “So I guess we’re having a bath instead of a shower eh?”

“Yep. ― Kay that should be good. Could you help me now?”

I put the plug in. “I sure can.” I got up off of my knees and walked over to her. “What do you need help with exactly Jess?”

“Shirt, pants, bra, gitch, and getting in.”

I nodded. “Kay.” I stuck my hand in the back of her shirt. I slipped off her shirt.

“God you’re smart, I wouldn’t have thought about that.” She smiled after I threw her shirt in the hamper.

“I bet you would’ve. ―Let’s get you up.”

“Wouldn’t have.” She said as she got up with my aid.

“What ever.” I undid her tan plaid pants, and slid them off.

She giggled. “It’s cold in here. ―Take off your shirt Ray.”

“Just to shower Jess.”

“I know, but c’mon Ima in my underwear and you’re fully dressed!”

I rolled my eyes. “Okay.” I pulled my shirt over my head. “Happy?”

“Very much.” She had a gleam in her eyes.

I took off my pants as well. “Turn around Jess.”

She cocked her head to the side. “It’s not like I haven’t seen you in the nude Toro.”

“Just do it.”

“Fine.” She sighed, and turned. I unhooked her bra and slipped it off of her arms. I prodded her back.

“Ray what are you doing?”

“Just checking out the damage.”

“Oh alright.”

I sighed, I didn’t get why she was so light about the whole abuse thing. I slipped off her gitch, she took a very brittle step forward. I helped her over to the tub, and picked her up bridal style.

“Be careful.” She giggled.

I nodded as I set her into the tub. She moved her self into the middle of the tub, as I took off my boxer shorts, and hopped in.

“Kay Jess, where are the soaps?”

“In the corner over there.” She pointed to the rack of shampoos, conditioners, body washes, shaving gels, soaps, and facial cleansers.

I crawled over to the rack and grabbed a lufa and a bar of soap. Just being curious I smelt the soap. Mmmm strawberries. I crawled back over to Jess.

I dipped the lufa in the water as well as the soap. I rubbed the bar of soap into the lufa, till there where suds. I cupped some water and poured it onto her still bleeding back.

Jess inhaled sharply. “That stings!”

“Sorry Jess.” I responded quickly. “Do you want me to even wash it?”

“Yes, it will smell like road kill if not..”

So true. I gently put the lufa on her back. “I’m sorry.” I kissed her left shoulder.

“It’s okay, how many time do I have to tell you that!?” She snapped.

“I’ll always be sorry.”

“It’s okay.” She put her wet hand on my fro.

I continued to wash her back, every so often I would pour water on it. I did this till her back was raw and it didn’t hurt any longer.

“Do you have any tensor bandages?” I asked her.

“I think so..” She said obviously confused. “I think they’re in the cabinet in the first aid kit. If they are there, there should be at least three.”

“Okay. ―Do you think you could get out on your own?”

“Ya I should be able to.”

“Kay.” I got out of the tub, and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my lower half. I went over to the big cabinet that was beside the shower. I opened up the doors there was a bunch of towels, face cloths, and hand towels. I bent down to where other stuff was. I came across feminine products. Eww... I also came across cosmetics, and facial stuff. I rummaged around the top shelf and found the first aid kit. I opened it up and found three tensor bandages.

“Found them.” I stated, and put the kit back up on the top shelf. I turned around and found Jess with a towel wrapped around her. I waltzed over to her. “Kay turn around and move the towel.”

“Okay.” Jess said in a cheery tone. She rotated and slipped the towel down.

I set two of the three tensor bandages on the floor. I unravelled the tensor bandage that was in my hand. I started to wrap it around Jessie’s upper half.

“You know it will look like you have no boobs.”

“I don’t care, why do you?”

“No, I was just seeing if you did.”


I finished wrapping the first tensor bandage I grabbed the aluminum clips and set them into the loose end of the bandage. I bent down and picked up another bandage and connected the two, and continued wrapping.

In the end I only needed two. So I went back over to the cabinet, and just chucked it in. I walked over to Jess. “Feel better?”

“Yes actually.” She smiled.

We both put on our clothes from before the bath, because we had just put them on. I gave Jess my shirt though.

“Here Jess put this on.”

Her eyes lit up. “Thanks. ―So does this mean you’re going to be my eye candy?”

“Not necessarily.” I teased.

“Oh I know you’re kidding. ―You love turning me on.”

“And how did you come to that conclusion?”

“Because if you didn’t like turning me on, you wouldn’t a) show any feelings of affection towards me and b) you wouldn’t talk or do anything.”

“Hang on… I turn you on through every thing I do?”

“Basically yes…”

“You are so weird, did you know that?”

“Yes I do. Frank likes to point that out.”

“Oh.” Jess and I left the bathroom where we bumped into Bobert.
♠ ♠ ♠
ginormus is pronounced gigh-norm-us

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