One Way or Another

23 Waiting

Frank’s POV

I was just coming down stairs from watching TV in Donna’s room. Fuck did she ever spoil herself! So where was I right, so I came downstairs and Gerard just walked into Jessie’s room. Something is up.I set foot on the floor, Ray looked at me randomly. Something is definitely up, and Ray don’t like it.

“What is going on?” I asked Mikey and Ray.

“Bob came and gave Jess a box of ‘First Response’ so ya..”

“You looked at the brand name?” Ray asked Mikey disgustedly.

“Well that is apparently the best brand out there then ‘Clear Blue’.” Mikey stated as he held his chin up high.

“Oh shut up!” Ray giggled and threw a pillow at Mikey.

“So lemme get this straight, Gerard is going to find out if she’s expecting or not?”


“And why didn’t you go in Ray?”

He shrugged. “She kinda hurt my feelings, then after half an hour… She came up to me bit her lip and stalked off.”

“Why did she hurt your feelings?”Was it because of me?

“Well..” Mikey started. “See Jess likes gay action I guess, but not when it’s her man.. I guess. Then well she got mad cuz she realized that he was like cheating on her, then she had a spaz because she felt that way.”

“Stop it.” Ray said madly.

“Okay.” Mikey looked down.

“Oh.. Gee I’m sorry Ray.”

A door knob rattled. We all looked at Jessica’s door. It slowly opened. I waited for the longest time, it was so intimidating. Gerard’s hand appeared, then disappeared as fast as it appeared.

The three of us sighed, waiting was the hardest part.
♠ ♠ ♠
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