One Way or Another

24 Proud

Gerard's POV

Well Jess had told me the news, but she told me that I had to keep it to myself. She wanted to tell everyone at once at the same time.

“Ya ya okay.”

She jabbed a finger at me. “Tell one single soul and you are so fucking dead Gerard!”

“OKAY I GET IT!” I sighed.

“Okay you may go now.” She smiled this was pure torture.

I started to make my way outta her room.

“Wait!” She whispered and grabbed my arm.

I was almost out. Grr. “What the fuck now Jessica?”

“I forget.”

I rolled my eyes and ran out of her room before she could grab me again.

Frank was now down stairs. They all looked at me with hope and fear in their eyes. I smirked.


“Can’t say anything, till Bob and Mother get home.”

“Well that’s not very fair.” Ray crossed his arms.

“I know, it’s killing me.”

“Me more.”

“True fact. ―Well hello there Frank.”

“Hmm. ―Oh hi Gerard.” He smiled at me.

“I wonder when mom and Bobert will get ho-” Mikey started to say, when the front door knob turned and the door swung open.

“Speak of the devil.” I giggled, Frank did as well.

Jess stuck her head from behind her door. “Oh you’re all her now.” She smiled.

I looked at Ray, there was a random gleam in his eyes. “Yes we are Hun.”

She stepped out from behind the door. “Donna do you need help with putting the groceries away?”

“No, do you have something to tell all of us?”

She nodded with a toothless smile on her face.

“Okay.” She smiled. “Bob dear, would you help me with the groceries?”

“Hell yes baby!”

My mom laughed while she spoke. “Okay Bob lets go.”

Five minutes flew by. Bob and Mum had returned. Jess made everyone sit in a certain spot. She had Mikey, Frank and Me on the couch. Mum and Bob on the love seat. Then finally sat Ray in an armchair. She now stood over by Ray.

“Okay, lemme get all this over with, because I can tell it’s killing the lot of ya. ―So Mikey assumes that I am pregnant. By a show of hands who agrees with my quarter brother?”

I kept my hand down. Bob, Frank, Mum, and Mikey all put their hands up.

“And I guess Ray and Gerard think otherwise, correct?”

Ray grabbed Jessie’s hand. “I don’t care if you are or not I still love you all the same.”

She looked down at him with a smile. “Well..” She inhaled. “The majority is correct. ―Ray, honey” She hesitated. “We’re having.. A baby.”

I exhaled super loudly.

“Really!?” Ray said emotional, and teary.

“Yes Raymond.” She got down on her knees and held his hands. No she was not proposing!

“Do you want to have this baby?”

“I would want to have your baby any day Ray, I love you with all my heart, and I don’t really care how old I am to have your baby. I would want to have it anytime.”

I sniffled. Yes, I was always the baby of the family. I was crying.

“I’m going to be a father!?” Ray suddenly realized.

She nodded with tears in her eyes.

“I am too young too be a grandmother!” My mom yelled with joy.

“Holey shit! Ima gonna be an uncle!” Mikey and I burst at the same time.

“I am soo left out!” Frank giggled sadly.

Ray started stroking the top off Jessie’s hands with his thumbs. “I love you Jess.” He whispered to Jess.

“I know you do.” She smiled.

Bob randomly cleared his throat. The only thing I could think that he was doing was..

“While we are all gathered here, I would like to say something.”

No Bob don’t she’ll leave you!

Bob grabbed my mothers hand, and turned to her. “Donna I know this maybe a little too soon for our relationship, but I love you.” He looked up from her hands.

Noooo! I screamed in my head.

Bob removed a hand, and reached into his pocket. “Donna sweetheart, will you marry me?”

Fear reached my mother’s eyes. “I think it’s a little too soon.. ―For you.”

Bob’s face saddened.

“I will marry you Robert.” My mother totally caught him off guard.

Bob slipped the ring on her wedding finger. There was this average sized diamond embedded in a gold band.

“Oh you soo stole what I was going to do!” Ray laughed at Bob.

Bob looked at Ray, with a surprised ‘uh oh’ look on his face. “Oh sorry Toro!”


Jess stood up. “Ray may I sit on your lap?”

“Of course Jess.”

Ray uncrossed his legs, and Jess sat down on his lap. She cuddled up under his chin.

“You know what” Frank stood up. “Ima gonna call Jamia.. I miss her lots.”

“Okay.” I said to him.

“You know what!” My mom shouted.

“Wha Mum?” Mikey asked.

“Well I said to the expecting parents that I would take all of us out to Dinner some time, and to celebrate the news I think this is the perfect time.”

“Agreed.” Ray spoke

“Well then every one go get some nice clothes, we’ll leave at 5:30, okay?”

Jess cleared her throat. “I wouldn’t have anything ‘nice’ as you call it Donna.”

“Oh.” My mom looked down at her engagement ring. “Well I guess Ray will have to take you shopping..”

“With what money?” Jess asked.

“Here take this.” I reached into my back pocket and grabbed my wallet. I opened it up to the bills compartment. Bingo… She will soo love me for this! I gave her a $500 dollar bill. She totally flipped out.

“Holey shit no way Gerard, I didn’t even know they made these!” Her eyes widened.

“Gerard they don’t accept $100 dollar bills, what makes you think that they’ll accept this?” Ray asked me.

“Because you’re going with her duh.. ―Jeez Toro I thought u had the mind of a genius.” I dissed the lead fro.

“I’m not really in the mind frame, I just found out I’m going to be a dad, how would you feel? ―Right you don’t know, because I am the first one to have a child in the band.” Ray said logically.

“What ever, just take my sister shopping.” I rolled my eyes.

“Okay, to the mall it is!” Ray protested, with an arm in the air.

“Okay you go start the car, and I’ll go put on what little make up I have.” She looked down at Ray. “Well what are you waiting for, go start the car!?”

“Jess you’re on my lap if you haven’t noticed.”

Jess looked down toward Ray’s pelvic area. “Oh ya, okay let’s go.” She got up off of Ray’s lap and ran into her room.

“Thanks Gerard, it means a lot.”

“Ya ya, go spend money!” I smiled.

Jess came out of her room. “Kay’p ready.”

“What make up do you have?” Mikey asked.

“Just mascara. ―And I have no hair products, or anything, Mikey I had already told you that.”

“Riiight forgot sorry.”

“Goo!” I yelped.

“Okay okay.” The happy couple said at the same time.

And then they strolled out the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
There won't be another update till Monday.
I swear you will love the next ones!!