One Way or Another

25 Shopping With Jessie

Ray’s POV

Luckily Gerard had given Jess his car; she had the keys in her hands. “So do you want to drive or what?” She asked me as she unlocked the door.

“Well I haven’t been to the new mall, have you?”

She smiled and nodded. “Yes I have.”

“I guess you’re driving then.”

She shrugged. “Okay.” She got in the car, and unlocked the doors.

I got in. “Okay, so what stores do you think we should go to?” I asked as I did up my seat belt.

She did the same. “Umm well I don’t really know, I was just thinking about aimlessly walking around the mall and window shopping.”

“Oh okay.”

She started the car. “I can’t believe, we’re having a baby.” She smiled as she turned in her seat and looked out the back window.

“I know. ―I am so spoiling that kid.” I joked.

“No you won’t.” Jess smiled as she backed out of the drive way.

“I know.”

Jess turned onto the street. We drove for three minutes in silence. “Ain’t it kinda creepy that Bob and Donna are going to get married?” She asked as we hit a red light.

“Ya, sure is. ―I feel sorry for your brothers.” I said. “So how far is the mall from here?”

“Umm just like five more minutes.” Jess spoke as the light turned green. She slammed her foot on the gas.

I lurked forward. “Whoah easy on the gas there Jess!”

“Gwrr.” She giggled. She quickly looked through my window. “Well wadda know?”

“A lot.”

“Oh hahaha Ray that’s hilarious. ―No I meant the mall is right there you bimbo.”

I looked out my window. “Oh..” I said shyly.

“Haha its okay Ray hun.” She grabbed my hand.


She turned into the parking lot. “Okay so, do you have to stop off any where?” She asked me as she let go of my hand.

“No.” I replied as I undid my seat belt.

“Oh okay.” She undid hers as well. “So lets go I guess?”

I chuckled. “Ya sure lets go, I wanna find you a really pretty dress. ―Even though nothing could enhance your beauty, you’re far too beautiful.”

“Oh riiight… I’m beautiful? ―Ray I think you’re delusional.”

“I am not! ―You are beautiful, like an angel.” I grabbed her hand, and kissed it.

“Okay.. Lets go…” She looked away, and opened her door. I clenched on to her hand. “No Ray let go!” She giggled.

“Okay then.” I released her hand.

“You can hold my hand once we get outta the car, Simba.”

“Okay.” I nodded and anxiously got out of the car.

“Holey shit Ray, are you ever frisky!!” Jess giggled.

“No I just love you that’s all.” I blushed.

“Mhmm, love ya too Ray. C’mon lets go shopping!” Jess basically sang.

“Okay..” I smiled and ran around to her side of the car. “Hop on Jess.”

“Hehe okay.” She smiled and hopped up on to my back.

“Where to Jess?” I asked her once she was on my back.

“Phuh you think I know?” She looked around from my back. “Okay there is the door. That would be the best thing.” She giggled.

“And where would they be?” I asked her.

“That way hun.” She lowered on my back and pointed.

I eventually saw where she was pointing too. “Alrighty then lets go.”

“Mhmm!” She giggled. “Giddy up!” She squeezed my sides.

“How do you know how to horse back ride?” I started walking towards the door.

“I did have a life before Donna y’know.”

“Oh.” I looked up at the doors that where towering above me. “Well Jess would you like to get off or not?”

“No I’m fine up here.” She patted my shoulders.

“Oh okay. ―Just prepare for looks.”

“And you’re telling me that Ray Toro?”

“Oh I get your point. ―Then I guess you should get off.”

I could feel her shrug. “Oh alright.” She slipped off of my back. “You know I love you!” Jess sang.

“I know you do!” I sang back. I Eskimo kissed her. We held hands and stepped into the mall. I was about to open my mouth when an unwanted person came up to me.

“Well hello there Raymond.” She said venomously.

“Hello Krista.” I showed her the same respect she was showing me.

“I see you got yourself a new girlfriend.” She looked at Jess.

Jessie’s grip loosened on my hand, I clenched on tighter. “Yes and I love her.”

Krista rolled her eyes. “Right that’s what you said to me.” She looked at Jess with sorrow in her eyes. “You know that’s what he always does to every girl he meets.” She whispered to Jess.

“Well excuse me, I’ve know Ray as long as My Chem has been together Krista.” Jess snapped.

“Oh ya well how do you know Ray!?” Krista snapped back at Jess.

Cat fight.

“I’m Gerard's half sister!” Jess yelled at Krista.

Krista’s eyes widened. “Oh so you’re the famous ‘Oh my daddy rapped me, Gerard come back home and save me’ Jessica.”

“Shut your trap.” I defended.

“Oh and what is soo special about you two? ―Huh?”

“Lets go Ray.” Jess tugged on my hand.

“Well what does it matter to you Krista?”

“Ray just leave it.” Jess pulled on my hand harder.

“Maybe you should listen to your whore Ray and move your ugly ass outta here.” Krista put one hand on her hip.

Jess cleared her throat. “Ray!” She snapped at me. “Shopping now!”

“You win. ―Go choke on a- See you around Krista.” I tried to be nice.

We walked away from Krista, thankfully Jess was there. For if she wasn’t that wouldn’t have been so pretty.

“How did she know about my dad.” Jess asked angrily.

“Well Jess around that time me and Krista were engaged. ―But I left her.”

“Oh so all that crap was jealousy?” Jess asked as we came up to the map of the mall.

“I guess so.” I admitted. I noticed a jewellers just four stores down.

“Hmm.” Jess traced along the map with her delicate finger. “Well I think we should go here, then there” She said all pointing out with her finger. “Oh jeez definitely there!” She jabbed the jewellers. “Oh then over here.” She looked at me when she pointed to the lingerie.

“Oh I like that last stop.” I blushed.

Jess pushed on my chest. “You’re so cute when you blush.” She squealed.

“And you would be..” I looked up at the ceiling. “Can’t think of an appropriate word. ―In lingerie.”

“Oh.. I know.. Well let’s get shopping!” I exclaimed.

We started to walk off to the first dress shop. Need to go to the jewellers, how can I make it.. secretive? ―Bingo! “Jess hun, I need to go to the bathroom, I’ll see you at the dress shop, okay?”

“Ya sure.” She looked at me, I looked at her. I pecked her lips and waved.

I started to walk off in the general direction that the washrooms where in. As soon as Jess walked into the dress shop, I bolted to the jewellers. I looked for an available clerk.

As I scanned the shop, a red head with exhilarant green eyes. “Hiya Mr. Toro.”

I looked down at her, she was at least 5’2”. I recognized the shortcake at once. “Stacey Baritone. ―How have you been Stace?” I asked her.

“Pretty good, I’m the manager here. ―So I guess that is pretty good, comparing to high school marks.” She smiled.

“Wow manager? ―Stace, your marks had to have been good, I tutored you!” I put my hand on her shoulder.

“Well ya okay, those marks where good all thanks to you.” She smiled, her eyes crinkling in the smile. “So back to business, are you planning on purchasing or are you just looking?”

“Well..” I started and told her why I was here. She wanted me to come around later, and I said I would be with Jess. Her face lit up.

“And you’re planning on doing this today?” She asked as I filled out a brief form.

“Yes. ―Would that be good publicity for your company?” I looked up from the forms.

“Definitely. ―So when do you think you’ll be around with Jessie?”

“I don’t know, her ‘mother’ wants to take us all out for dinner, so Jess needed some new clothes. Y’know?” I set the pen on the glass counter. “Thank you Stacey, its been nice to see you again.” I hugged the little girl.

“Thank you Ray, and it was nice to see you again. We should go for coffee some time, or what ever you’re into.”

“Ya, maybe some time.” I smiled. “Well I must be off before something happens.”

“Okay bye.” She waved off as I walked two stores diagonally from Stacey’s store.

I stepped into the high ceilinged shop. I scanned the premises for Jess. I eventually found her at the change rooms. She was in this randomly coloured red dress.

“Oh Ray!” She sighed.

“Is this him?” A girl asked.

“Yep.” Jess stuck her chin up. “Ray hun did you get lost?”

I nodded. “I totally forgot where I was going.” I smiled.

“So what do you think of this dress.” Jess asked me as she gestured to her body.

“It’s a pretty random red Jess..”

“Oh okay. ―Next!” Jess turned around and went into a large change room.

I looked over at the girl that Jess was talking to, she seemed vaguely familiar. “Ray Toro.” I held out my hand.

The girl smiled and shook it. “Gabriella Fontesca.”

This was one of Jessie’s friends, Jess only had one friend.

I looked around for a bench. I found one just out side of Jessie’s change room. She opened the door a mere three seconds after I had sat down. The door flew open so fast I jumped off of the little bench.

“Oh there you are honey. ―Did I startle you?” Jess asked with questioning eyes.

“Yes you did.” I scanned my lover over. She was wearing a black strapless dress that was just a bit shorter than knee length. Sexy..

“Oh sorry Ray!” She kissed my cheek.

“I really like this dress, very ―sexy.”

She giggled. “Thank you, I really like it.” She looked up at me with her beautiful green eyes. “Well Gabz I think we’ve found the little black dress.”

“Oh okay. ―I guess I will see you guys around then.” She stalked off to another person.

“Does she work here?” I asked.


“Hey Jess.” I asked as we walked over to the till.

“Yes Ray?” Jess replied as she put the black dress on the counter.

The clerk ran the price tag through the scanner. “That will be two hundred thirty-six dollars and forty seven cents.” He said all snooty. You could tell that he despised his job.

Jess gave him three hundred dollar bills. “Sorry I don’t have any change.” Jess said sincerely.

“That’s alright miss.” He took the cash and gave Jess her change. “Have a good day.” He mumbled.

Jessie and I picked up our conversation. “Holey shit what a grump! ―As you were saying?”

“Well could we go for the lingerie before the jewellers?” I asked hoping that I wasn’t implying anything.

“Ya sure, why not. ―But first it’s time for shoes!”

I rolled my eyes seriously what is with girls and shoes!?!?
♠ ♠ ♠
Eskimo kisses are people rubbing their noses together..

Yesterday was a very specail day for me. It was my third year of likeing Ray.. So technically it was our anniversary! ^^ Random fact..

Love the comments!