One Way or Another

26 Shoe-a-holic

I rolled my eyes seriously what is with girls and shoes!?!?

Ray’s POV

Jess grabbed my hand as we walked to the shoe department. “What do you think would look nice with that black dress?”

“Umm something spontaneous?” I was so confused.

“Okay.. thanks Ray, goes to show me how much you know about color co-ordination.”

And how many average day men know about color co-ordination? I couldn’t think straight. “Umm your welcome?”

“Well there it is.” She pointed with her free hand.

I couldn’t make out the name of the store. “Okay.”

“Ugh come on Torfro.” Jess tugged on my hand and led me to the shoe department.

Jess instantly let go of my hand and ran down to the sandal aisle. I sighed and sluggishly followed behind her. Jess was running her fingers over all the shoes.

“Jess contain your self.”

“I know! But they are soo pretty!”

A girl walked by, she had a name tag on her vest that was the same color scheme as the store. “You guys finding everything alright?”

“Oh god yes!” Jess exclaimed.

“Ya she’s good.” I said as I slumped down on to a stool.

“Okay, I am at the till, if you need any assistance.” She smiled and left.

“Oh my gawd!” Jess picked up a pair of strappy sandals. “I loooveee these!” Jess squealed.

By the looks of it these heels where at least four inches. “Jess you’re going to break something in those!”

“Oh you’re just jealous, cuz Ima gonna be.. Omigod Ima gonna be the same height as you honey!” Jess looked at the bench/stool I was sitting on. “Scootch over Ray.”

“Jess I am concerned.” I admitted as I slid over.

“Well what exactly are you concerned about Ray?” She asked me as she slipped off her pink flats.

Yes I know some types of shoes..

“You, damaging fetal development.”

She looked at me, her eyes were sad. “Oh, well one night couldn’t hurt. Although if you are that uncomfortable with it, I’ll get the three inch ones.”

“Thank you Jess.” I placed my hand on her back.

Jess got up from the stool-ish thing in bare feet and returned the box to its spot. She got on her tippy toes and looked from there all the way down to the floor. She eventually found smaller heels I guess.

“These better hun? ―It’s three inches.”

“Better thank you.” I smiled she sat down beside me once more.

She dusted the bottom of her foot off. She slipped the sandal on. “Oooooohh.” Jess said in pleasure. “I really really really like these.” Jess complimented as she did up the straps. She did the same to the other foot. “Ray dear, stand up please.” Jess requested.

I did as she asked. “Why?”

Jess stood up as straight as possible, and I did the same. “Wow this is awesome, I love heels.” Jess blushed, as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

“Well I’ll be damned, I do too.” I lowered my lips to hers. We kissed passionately, then Jess pulled away.

“I have to strut, ―Ray this will be a major turn on for you I bet.” She smiled as her arms fell to her sides.

“Probably.” I sat back down on the stool.

Jess casually walked down the aisle. She stopped at the end and spun. “Brace yourself Toro.” I nodded and started to walk down the aisle again.. I guess she had to have been strutting. After she past me she started to do something that I couldn’t put my finger on. She came back and sat down beside me. “And?”

“You walk nice?”

She sighed and rolled her eyes. “I guess it doesn’t matter, I should get these now.”


We both got up and walked to the till.

“Did you find everything alright?” The girl smiled.

“Sure did.” Jess smiled in return and plopped the shoes in their box on the counter.

The girl rang them through. She looked over at the automatic price thing. “That will be forty-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents.” Jess gave her a fifty dollar bill. The girl went into the cash register and grabbed a penny.

Jess took the penny, then noticed a coin donation on the front of the counter. She put the penny in the glass dish. “Kay Ray lets go.”


Jess and I walked out of the shoe department. Jess now had two bags.

She is going-

“Ray you know where we are going next eh?”

“Sure do!” Yummy…

“This way!” Jess pointed and started to march. I followed in the same suit.

About five stores down was the lingerie store.
♠ ♠ ♠
Nest update day should be.. on my mommy's birthday.. on the 24th.. :D

i would like all readers to leave a comment this chapter please ^^