One Way or Another

27 Delicates

About five stores down was the lingerie store.

Ray’s POV

We walked into the lingerie store, Jess got some nice looks, then me on the other hand…

Big mistake walking in here…. Big mistake… I smiled awkwardly. “Jess are you sure it’s o-”

“Let’s go they aren’t being very nice, and I don’t just mean the people that work here.” Jess whispered to me.

“Oh okay. To the jewellers it is then.” I suggested.

“Yep.” Jess and I walked out of the store.

Walking down the mall Jess and I remained quiet. The jewellers was getting closer, I could see Stacey waiting in the corner for our arrival. I took Jessie’s hand in mine. I couldn’t help but smile.

“What are you so happy about?” Jess looked at me, as we walked into the store.

“I don’t know.”

“Hello Raymond.” Stacey came up to me.

“Hey Stace.” I cocked an eyebrow, and she nodded.

“Jess go find yourself a silver chained necklace with some sort of gem on it kay?” I commanded.

“Oh okay..?” Jess was totally clueless. She looked back at me as she walked up to a display.

“Is it ready?” I whispered to Stacey.

“Here.” She jammed a velveteen box into my hand.

I was starting to get excited. I shoved the tiny box into my pocket. I stalked up to Jess. “Found anything you like?”

“Yes sure have, but look at that tag!” Jess quietly exclaimed.

I looked at it as well, it was pretty high. I looked at the display for a second and found a cheaper necklace that had one single diamond on it. “Look Jess.” I pointed at the necklace through the glass casing.

“Oh I like it. ―And I don’t mind the price.” She giggled. Jess only had two hundred thirteen dollars and fifty-three cents left, I was going to have to help her with it.

I slipped Jessie’s hand into my own. She looked at our hands and then into my eyes. I guided our hands off of the glass case they where currently on. I looked down into her eyes, she looked up into mine. I smiled and started to kneel.

“Jess, I know this may be early in our relationship.”

“No fucking way!” Jess said flatly, tears where building up in her eyes.

“Jessica, will you marry me?” I asked as I grabbed the velveteen box from my pocket.

Jess broke out into tears, she was smiling though so it was a good sign.

I let go of Jessie’s hand and opened the ring box up. Her hands immediately flew up to her face. “Of course I will you stupid idiot!”

I stood up and brought her hands down from her face. I held her left hand and slid the ring onto her ring finger ever so delicately. She looked at the silver band. “I really like this ring.” Jess smiled.

“I thought you would.” I kissed her forehead.

Stacey walked up to us. “And?”

“IMA GONNA GET MARRIED!” Jess randomly exclaimed.

“Congratulations you two.” Stacey smiled. “Jess would you like anything from the store, I can give it to you for half its price.”

Jess smiled, and pointed a finger at the necklace that matched her ring. Stacey grabbed a key from her pocket and opened up the case. “Okay so the price of this will be―” Stacey looked at the price tag. “Three hundred fifty.”

Jess grabbed the two hundred thirteen dollars and fifty-three cents from her wallet. “Oh no..” Jess said sadly.

I coughed up the rest. “Nothing is too much for my girl.”

Jess smiled and kissed my cheek.

Stacey went to the till and ran it through the scanner. She put it into a long deep purple velveteen box, and then into a bag. “Here you go, thank you for your purchase.”

“Thank you Stacey.” Jess took the bag and moved off to the side.

I walked up to Stacey. “You want me to pay for it now?”

Stacey shrugged. “Sure why not.”

“Kay.” I grabbed my wallet and took my master card out of the card slot. She took it then gave me back my card.

“You want this?” Stacey gestured to the receipt.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay next update will be on the 28th...
Yes Addy.. they are going toget married ^^ you and your freanky mind :S creepy.. andyways..
Angie i hopeded u loveded this chapter!!!

and i hope taht all of you guys loved this chapter as well!!

