One Way or Another

Jessica the Person I Never Expected

Gerard's POV

I shut my mouth. “Ya ―I’m fine, are you?”

She gave me a look. “Well no! I was scared that you thought I-I-I-I was like Quasy Moto!”

Ray butted in. I had forgotten that he was there. “The Hunch back Of Notre Dame?”

She giggled and shuffled her foot. “Hi Ray. ―”She looked at me then blushed. “Ya,”

I could feel my eyes widen. “Why would you think that! ― You’re so beautiful! ―I am soo lucky that you’re my sister!” She smiled an ear to ear grin. “Where did you learn how to smile like that?”

“It’s a combo of Ray’s grin and Franklin’s big smile.” She was right it was a combo of the two.

“I don’t care gimme a hug!” She did the same smile. And pranced over to me her arms wide open.

Once she was in my arms she broke into tears.”I missed you soo much! ―” She paused for a minute or two.”Donna’s a bitch take me far away!”

I stroked her long blonde hair. “It’s okay I’m here now.”

“Now…” She sobbed into my shoulders. I rubbed her back. She moaned in pain.

“What's wrong?” I looked at my hand red with blood. She saw my hand. And broke into more tears.

“She is a monster! ―How bad is it?” She turned. The white tank-top she had been wearing was now stained with blood.

“Jess, what happened!?” I said in horror

“She whips me! Every time I talk, look at her, ask her for something!” She took off her shirt, and turned around in a 360° turn. There where gashes all along her beautiful torso. She had muddled tattoos on her back. On her left she had our names going down vertically on the curve of her back. Ray’s was at the top, followed by mine then Mikey’s then Frank’s and at the bottom was Bob’s. And just below her left shoulder blade was the “The Black Parade” skeleton. And on the right side of her back parallel to the names said “My Chemical Romance”.

Ray choked. “Jess I’m soo sorry!” She was facing us now. She had a nice smile on.

“What are you sorry about? ―You said you wouldn’t let another man hurt me ever again.” She paused for another long moment. “Ray?”

I turned to face Ray. She was just too beautiful to look at. I was starting to develop feelings for her. Ew. I could now see why Jess was starting to cry. Ray had this disgusted-shocked expression all over his face. Tears were building up in his eyes, and his jaw was glued open. “Ray.― Ray? – Ray! ― RAY!!” He didn’t snap out of his trance. “Jess umm.. I think it’s uh your bod.” I faced her.

“I knew it! I look like the friggin’ hunch back of fuckin’ Notre Dame! ― Fuck what was I thinking!”

She ran off the bus before I could say anything. “Not that way Jess.” I mumbled to myself. “Hey Toro are you okay?”

“Oh my god.” Ray whispered under his breath.


He looked at me. “Umm I’m gonna sleep in here tonight..”

I rubbed his shoulder. “At least come in for supper!” I convinced.

He shook his head. “No, I feel awkward.”

“Come on Toro! ― You’ll make my mom feel bad!” After I said it I realized that my mom should feel bad about what she was doing to Jess.

“She should feel bad!” He yelled at me, while shrugging off my hand.

“Okay Ray here’s the point. You made Jess feel bad. And you know.. I bet she’s in her room crying.”

He looked down. “Sorry man. I guess you’re right ―I wonder where her room is.”

“Haha you’re not going in there!” I had to lighten the mood in the bus like ― Ray is barely ever super stressed like this.

He laughed with me. “Let’s go man.” I nodded and we got off the bus, that’s where Bob and Frank met us and there was confusion in there eyes, a conversation not worth talking about.
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Thanks guys!