One Way or Another

The Starvation Sentence

Gerard's POV

We all walked silently into the house I had called safe all of my life. I realize now that it was all a lie. My mother greeted all of us [except for Mikey whom she had already greeted] with open arms. “Oh boys it’s so nice to have you home!” The guys greeted my mom as well.

“Mom I missed you! ―Where is Jess?” I said after I took a look around and found her nowhere.

“She-Why she’s in her room.” She said through her teeth.

“Is she eating with us?” She was about to speak, I could tell it was a no. “I do hope she is! ― Don’t you guys?!”

All of the sudden, Heaven Help Us started to play. It was loud enough to make all of us jump. Jess started to sing along to it. “Hear the sound, the angels come screaming down, my voice you heard I’ve been bleeding. Make the choice they say I’ve been pleading some one save me! Heaven help me now come crashing down! And hear the sound as I’m fallin’ down.” She had changed the lyrics to her point of view. The thought scared me.

Mom walked to the door, and pounded it. “Jessica!” Jess opened the door, her eyes were all puffy and red, she scanned my mom up and down. “Come and eat with us!”

“You said I couldn’t eat because I left the house.”

“You thought I said that silly!” She grabbed Jess’ hand. “Come.”

Jess yanked her hand from my mothers grip. “I can walk my self thank you.”

“Well hmm ― let’s see we’ll and a TV table to the end of the table. You can sit there Jessica.” Jess shivered being called Jessica was like calling her a cow, she hated it. My mother had provoked my little sister. And the TV table was clearly said just to embarrass her.

“You know what Donna, your majesty. ―” She curtsied.”I’d rather do my starvation sentence.”

My eyes popped out of there sockets. “Starvation sentence! Mom!”

Jess mouthed to me. ‘That’s not the worst of it.’ She stalked off to her room. I followed after she slammed the door tight.

“Jessie boo. ―I’m comin’ in okay?”

“Fine!” She sobbed through the door.

I opened up the door. “Jess, I’m soo sorry.” She was lying face down into a pillow. I sat on the bed and gently rubbed her back.

“Don’t sympathize for me. I know you love me and all, but I’ll just get punished more. ―She’s taking me to a hotel tonight to whip me some more. ―Did you know that this is my tenth starvation sentence this week?”She looked up from me the pillow her face was buried in.

“Gerard, the only reason you didn’t know dad died was so Donna could have custody over me? ―After you claim dad’s will… I’m in the will.. You’ll be my legal guardian..”

Shock ran through me. “Well I’ll get to it ASAP.”

Frank knocked on the door. “Gerard um.. We’re eating now… Umm….. Can I speak to Jessie?”

“Um Jess?”

“Well you saw what he was like after I left him and Bob.”

“I’m gonna let him in. ―Is it okay if I eat?”

“Of course it is. Go. ― Come in Frankie!”

He opened the door, and I got up and left.
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Thanks guys!