One Way or Another

Washing the Dishes

Washing The Dishes

Gerard’s POV

“So Frank what did you and Jessie talk about?” I asked Frank as soon as he sat down to eat.

“Well Gee. We talked about Ray actually and it was pretty interesting.” He answered my question with out hesitation.

Ray started to choke. “Hey bud you okay?” I was concerned!

He swallowed. “You where talking about me???!!? What about me!”

“Oh nothing…” Frank shrugged. “You and Jess. That’s it …”

Oh that’s why Jess sounded like she was really hyper in her room. She found out that Ray liked her, me and Mikey, and I guess now Frank, and Jess knew that they liked each other.. Awh that’s really cute. Oh and Jess was going to be different. “So is that why she uh..”

“Must be.” Frank and Mikey said at the same time.

I grabbed my milk and drank it. “Kay mom I’m done. Do you have a dish washer yet or shall I wash it”

“Oh Jess will do them.” My mother said. “Just put them in the sink for her.”

Cruel much. Ray and Bob got up with me and walked through the rest of the dinning room and through the Foyer. Once we reached the kitchen we talked. “Poor Jess huh?”

“Ya like she didn’t eat and she has to do our dishes.” Bob said as he put his dishes in the sink.

Ray sniffled a bit while he put his dishes in the sink, I followed right after. “Gerard. Legal custody.. What do you think of that since she is nineteen after all.. She should ―nah I’m just talking nonsense. But you know how bad this is hurting me right?”

We all knew that this wasn’t just hurting me and Mikey, but it was also tearing a huge hole in Ray. “Ya I know Toro. I already talked to Jess about it.”

He sighed. “Okay.. that’s good to know.”

“So umm guys..” Bob was left out of the convo for like the bazillionth time. “Should we do our own dishes?” As soon as Bob said it my mom walked in, dragging Jess along.

“DO THE DAMN DISHES!” Donna said as she slammed Jess into the sink.

“Yes ma’am.” Jess said as she turned on the tap.

Bob chocked on air. “Jess your l-li-lip is bleeding.”

“Wow just the lip?” She touched he lip. “That’s a first..”

I looked over at Ray. His eyes were pried open.”T-th-th-that’s a first?”
She giggled. “Awh Ray don’t think about it, it’s nothing.”

“Jess how is it nothing?” I asked.

“It’s just nothing. ― Just drop it Gerard.”


“Robbie, could you pass me that towel?” Jess pointed at the towel that Bob was leaning against.

“Ya ya sure. Hey why do you call me Robbie… I forget?” He said as he handed over the towel.

“Umm… I don’t know Robbie suits you as well as Bob does.” She smiled “Like how ‘My little Lion’ suits Ray.” She said sencerly.

Ray snapped out of his little shock phase. “But I’m not mean!”

She giggled. “Lions are my favourite animal. ― Big brother Robbie could you guys go and talk with Mikey and Frank? So Ray can help me with the dishes? ― and like bring them in when they are done?” I nodded and trotted off. Bob followed.

“Hey Bob” I whispered. “I’m gonna stay here and eavesdrop okay?” He nodded and walked on.

[In the kitchen]

“Why did you want me to help you.”

“Because you make me feel safe. And I know how much I gross you out. ― And I thought we could talk.”

“Well Jess I don’t get grossed out by you. ― I’m just amazed on how you cope with this.”

Jess sniffled. “I need comfort Ray, That’ why I chose you.”

“Comfort?” I peeked the corner. She broke down.

“Yes Ray I need comfort.”

“Awh Ray hug her.” I whispered. He must have heard me.

“What?” He mouthed.

I air hugged then pointed at Jess.

“Oh, Jess. ―I’m sorry.” He hugged her. Jess dropped one of the dishes she was washing. She got real into the hug. She broke down more. Ray stopped hugging her. “I just want to try something.” She nodded. He caressed her head. “Jess..” he sighed. “I-I lo-love you and well-.” Jess stopped his sentence and kissed him. She ran her fingers through his Fro. Ya it was cute.. but gross at the same time like they were ten years apart.

“Gerard!” some one whispered/shouted at me. I looked behind me. It was Mikey. “Mom is coming!” Shit every thing was going to fall apart.

“Ray stop!” Jessie smiled into the kiss.

Their lips unlocked. “Why?” They both said.

“JESSICA!” Donna yelled. Jess shivered.

“Ugh.” Jess sighed. She slid her hands down his arms. She smiled again. She pulled Ray’s ear to her mouth. ―What ever she said got Ray smiling.


“ALMOST! ―” Jess screamed back. “But Ray was a distraction.. ―I like that type of distraction..” She kissed Ray again.

“WELL! ― GET THEM DONE!” But it was to late to save Jess. Mom came in and saw the two of them. “Ray, please stop Frenching my daughter.” She said in a goodey-tu-shoes kinda voice.

Ray pushed Jess away. “Sorry Donna.”

“It’s alright Ray. I trust you.” She looked at the sink. “Are they done Jessica?”

Jess shivered. “Almost.. ― I kinda got distracted.”

“Sure as hell you did! Now do the fucking dishes!”

Jess let go of Ray’s hands. “Yes ma’am.” She started to do the dishes. Ray started to dry them.

My mom didn’t like the looks of Ray helping Jess one single bit. “Oh Ray sweetie you don’t have to help her.”

“No I’m good thanks.” Ray smiled at Jess.

“Okay then, suit your self. ― Mikey would you like to help Mommy go shopping?” My mother asked Mikey

He shrugged. “Why not?”

Mom and Mikey left the premises. “Thank you Gerard!” Jess ran up to me and gave me a bear hug.

“Ya ya don’t let Ray get your panties in a knot.” I managed to choke out.

She let go of me. “Big Brothers aren’t supposed to make jokes like that to their little sisters!”

She was right though.. Ray looked at me.. umm “I finished drying Jess I’m gonna go now…”

“Awh Ray why don’t you stay!”

“Umm.. catch ya later..” I walked back with Ray. “Gerard that wasn’t funny ― I feel awkward hanging out with her now..”

Uh oh. “Oh sorry Toro.”

“Not your fault.”

“Oh okay. ―Lets go and sit in the living room. ―You know what Jess would absolutely love!” Jeez I must have sounded flambouyant…


“If we played for her!”

“Oh she would just love that huh?”

“Oh yes! ― And if you did a lot of singing!”

“So then what should we perform for her?”

What should we perform.. What an odd question. “Hey I’ll be right back kay Toro?” He nodded and I was off. I skidded into the kitchen. “Jess what’s you favourite Ray song?”

“Umm at the moment it’s uhh Dis-“

“Ya kay thanks bye!” And I dashed off into the living room. “Let’s get setup!”

And so we did.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait!