One Way or Another

Mistreated Feelings

Gerard's POV

Jessie was sitting on Frank’s lap. She was cuddling with him. After we had played Disenchanted Ray and Jess kept there space. I was concerned for my sister and how she was treating my friends. She giggled. I snapped out of my trance.

“You know what Frankie?”

“No I don’t what?”

“I want my, assumption.”

He sipped his beer while she talked. After she finished he choked on his beer. “You do!?” His voice cracked. “Well then.” I take back what I said about Jess sitting on Frank’s lap. It was more like straddling. Frank set his beer bottle in between the cushions of the couch. He ran his hands down her sides. Then it hit me ‘them’ was her assumption. He left his hands on her hips. “Well come here then.” She slid closer. She ran her finger up his throat to his chin. He placed his hand on the back of her head, They got closer. Then I remembered Ray I looked over at him he was just fuming. They looked into each other’s eyes. I wondered how Frank could do this to all of us. I saw Frank’s lips move he was saying something. Jess closed her eyes, and crashed her forehead onto Frank’s shoulder. She said something to him. “I know hun, but I couldn’t.”

“But you said.” Jess whispered to him in a raspy voice. She had just stopped crying ten minutes ago.

“I know Princess, but I couldn’t betray my friends.” He brought her face to his. “But I still love you.” He kissed her forehead. She started to cry again. We all didn’t know why she was crying, but obviously Frank knew. Jess swung her leg over so she was facing me, and shunning Ray.

“At least someone does.” She said. Now out of habitual reaction I looked over at Ray. His hand was draped over his mouth he shook his head. Mikey was also concerned about them. She looked over at Mikey. She giggled, and skipped over to him. “Hi!”

“Hello? ― Talk about random mood swing Jess.” He smiled.

She plunked down into his lap. “Do you love me?”

Ray removed his hand. I barely heard him say ‘I still do’

Mikey looked at Ray then at the rest of us. Then the floor, then back at Jess. “Forever and always baby sister.” He was ashamed.

Ray was boiling up. I didn’t know what to do. Then all of the sudden Jess was on my lap. “Do-“ I cut her off.

“Ya sure Jess.” I said sarcastically.

She was mad at me. She fiddled with my hair. “Ya sure. ― Mikey said forever and always, the least you can say is of course. Not ‘ya sure Jess’.” She said mockingly.

“You really needed to ask?”

“Okay that’s better.” She kissed my cheek and skipped toward Bob but had stopped dead in her tracks. Ray had left and slammed the door behind him. She stood there for a moment, and ran back to Frank. She didn’t care what she was doing by the looks of it. When she got to the couch he was sitting she straddled him. “I don’t give a shit Frank.” She crashed her lips to his. Her eyes where shut and his where wide open. Then they started to French. His eyes where now shut.

“Sto― Jessie! Oh god!” Frank moaned.

They stopped. “I’m sorry Frank I’m using you.”

He played with her hair. “Ya I know. But I enjoyed it for the time being. ―Go get him Princess.”

“Okay.” She said quietly. She got up from him.

“I’ll come.”

She shook her head. “I need to fix this on my own sorry Franklin.” She ran to the door. “Tell Donna that I’m in bed. ―” She opened the door. “Ray!” And she left.

“Well Frank..” I needed to talk, to someone. “How – was it?”

“Haha! ―Fuck better than I thought. ―You know what.. I think she likes you ― Mikey.”

Mikey was shocked. “Wha?”

“Ya right Frank, and how did you come to that conclusion?”

“Umm.. cause she said Mikey.. In a really sexual manner. ― And then she spelt Mikey on the roof of my mouth.”

Mikey put his feet on the chair he was sitting in and tucked them under his chin. “I say bull shit. ―I treat her more like a sister than Gerard.”

“Ya right Michael.” Frank shouted.

Bob cleared his throat. “Yes she likes Mikey. And Mikey is more of a brother than Gerard.”

“IT’S NOT MY FAULT SHE LOOKS GOOD!” I shouted at the three of them.

They all tilted their heads to the side. “What the fuck?” Mikey said.

“Well it’s not!” I shyly said. It wasn’t my fault though.

“You like your sister?” Bob asked me.

“Kay she took off her shirt for me cause I hit a cut and cracked it open. And Ray was all ― let’s just say undressing her with his eyes.”

“Well that makes two of us.” Frank said.

“No it’s three.” Mikey admitted.

“HA! ― HAHA! ―the Way’s and the Iero AND Toro all like the sister! HA!”

“In one way or another.” I shrugged.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks guys!

And a special thanks to Angie for giving me insperation for this whole story :D LOVE YOU!xXx.LaNd.hErMiExXx