Sequel: Making the Album



Tony stretched and smiled, then rolled over to look at Billie.

He was sprawled across the bed like a starfish, butterfly makeup clinging stubbornly to his face. He looked so innocent, like a little boy in a rockstar's body. The thought made her sad, although she didn't quite know why.

Somehow, she slipped out of bed without waking him and padded out into the kitchen to find Tom sitting at the kitchen table massaging his temples.

"What's the matter, TomCat?" She asked playfully.

He looked up at her, his eyes huge.

"You're gonna want to read this."

The tabloid he proffered was somewhat sleazy, somewhat trashy, but she took it anyway.

And splashed across the cover was a picture of Billie. Red letters screamed across his face, announcing that he had a 'hidden lover'. Tony cursed. Then she dashed over to the record player, cranked it to ear-shattering volumes and blasted AC/DC's Back in Black. The very walls of the apartment shook.

Mike came running into the living room, pants half off, with toothpaste down his chin. Jay emerged from the spare bathroom while applying a band aid to a fresh cut on his cheek. There came a flood of cursing from the room Tre was sharing with Robert and Blondie. The three of them came stomping into the living room with shaving cream spattered across their fronts. There was a thump from the room where Tony had left Billie and he emerged, rubbing his forehead and cursing.

"What the hell prompted the fucking concert, Tony?" Mike demanded.
"This. This." Her voice trembled as she handed Billie the magazine. His jaw dropped.

Mike shook his head and retreated to his room, most likely in pursuit of pants and a t-shirt that wasn't full of holes. Jay followed him.

"I really don't know. But it doesn't appear that they've got any names...."
"It's only a matter of time until the story broke...and besides, they don't know about Tony. They're probably just guessing."

Tre trailed off as he saw the full-page picture of Billie kissing Tony. Luckily, the makeup from the fair had already been applied and Tony's scarf partially obscured her face.

"We can't-"
"Yes, you two can. Just act professional in public....Hey, Tony, they've pegged you for Angelina Jolie. You could pass for her, take it as a compliment." Robert told her. Tony smiled sweetly at him, then punched him in the stomach.

"I don't fucking want to pass for Angeline Jolie."

She removed the CD from the radio, hoisted it into her arms then walked towards the balconey with a determined smile on her face.

"This can't be good." Blondie muttered as Tony hefted the system in her hands, then looked around quickly.

"You know, the land lord is going to kick us out." Robert stated.
"We'll go somewhere else." Tom sighed.

Tony heaved the system off the balconey and there was an almighty crash. Mike came running back out of the room cursing.



"I said I was sorry." Tony told him, watching his expression as he stared at the enourmous dent on the hood of his car. Mike looked like a cross between a heart-broken five-year-old and the furious adult he was.

" competely wrecked it." Mike said slowly.
"We've come to that conclusion twenty minutes ago, Mikey." Tre stated helpfully. Billie shoved him.

"Look...I'll pay you back." Tony whispered meekly.
"Just what we fucking need." Robert snapped. "Another debt to add to the others we've got."
"Oh, calm down, Robert. We'll deal with that when the time comes."
"Because that's worked out so well with you? Dealing with shit when the 'time comes'? That's bullshit and you know it."
"Excuse me?"
"You just fucking ignore problems until they either go away or explode in your face. It's the most ridiculous thing I've seen."
"Are you calling me ridiculous?" Tony demanded, her voice venomous.
"Yes, I damn well fucking am."

Tony's face paled, but she said nothing. She didn't need to. The look she gave Robert said a thousand things, and none of them friendly.

Robert was instantly apologetic, and tried to hug her, tried to soften the blow that he knew his words had dealt. Tony would have none of it, and pushed him away. She stalked off, her back stiff. Robert followed her, howling an apology in the key of F. Billie started cursing.

"If it's not one thing, it's another." Blondie muttered. "I'll phone my brother...borrow some money."

Tre wordlessly handed Blondie his cell phone, and the remainder of the Dolls vanished. A disgruntled Green Day surveyed the wreckage.

"Carry on like this and they'll break up before they even get to the fucking studio."


"Stop fucking crying." Robert told Tony, watching as his friend wiped her eyes.
"Fuck you. At least pretend you're embarassed at the scene you caused."
"God, Tony. I am fucking embarassed. I lost it, alright?"
"I'll say." She snapped. Then her face softened, and she laughed as she said, "And just so you know, Mr. Drama Queen, I was just saying that to shut him up. I have NO intention in paying him back."

Robert burst out laughing.


" weird." Blondie murmured.
"What? What's weird?" Tom asked.
"My brother...he's not picking up his phone...."

Blondie frowned at Tre's cellphone, as though it had something to do with this. Tom chuckled.

"He's probably out or something." Tom told him, trying to sound reassuring.
"He's always...been there when i needed him. It's just...odd." Blondie seemed shaken. "Something's...something's just not right."