
Shopping Spree

The world passed as a blur, as the car sped by. I had no idea why on earth he was taking me shopping. He rested his hand on my leg as we drove, Linkin Park blaring Leave Out All The Rest, one of my favorite songs.

"Why are you taking me shopping Micheal? I honestly don't need anything."
"We need to get you a dress, baby."
"A dress? For what?"

He just smiled and hummed along to the song. My mind was crazy with different ideas of just what exactly he was doing. When we arrived at the mall he came around to my side of the car, opened the door and helped me out. What a gentleman this guy was. I never fully understood how he fell for a troubled girl like me, He was so perfect, and I was so, far from that. He had everything, and did everything right it seemed. But me, I messed up all the time, disappointed people, and was just prone to bad things.

"What you thinking about baby?" he said
I blushed slightly.
"Oh, nothing."
"Your so beautiful Maddie," he replied, reading my mind, "I can't believe I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world. I am the luckiest guy around, thats for sure. Oh! Here we are!"

I gasped a little. Macy's? Thats too expensive! I kind of stopped walking, pulling away and shook my head. He came, and picked me up with his arms, I gave him a pouty face. He just smirked and walked straight in. He walked me to a counter where a gorgeous blond woman sat. Her eyes danced, she looked like she had been waiting for someone, us in fact. He stopped at where she was and set me down on the ground. A rather odd entrance in fact. She quickly stood up, and held out her hand for me to shake.

"You must me Maddie," she said, "I am Claire. I will be assisting you in finding a nice day dress for today."
"Oh, and do you know what occasion this is for?"
"That, I will let Micheal tell you."

I frowned slightly, wishing he would just tell me already. I can't stand surprises. I followed Claire to the woman's section, and she lead me to where they had day dresses. I looked around for what seemed like forever. She had a few set aside for me in particular, but none of them were the right one. Finally I spotted one, it was a soft green and blue, striped, and sleeveless, with a loose and flowing bottom, and the waist was nice and tight. It was, perfect. I loved it, and after I tried it on, I simply gasped. I looked, rather lovely in it. I shyly walked out of the dressing room. Claire's eyes were full of excitement! She quickly got up to inspect the dress more on me.

"Mandie! You look fabulous in that dress! I know the perfect pair of shoes to match it as well!"

She ran off to find them, leaving me by the mirrors. I stood, and did a little spin, which made the bottom sort of poof up and I started giggling like a little girl. I stopped, Micheal was behind me, I blushed slightly. He walked towards me slowly, put his arms around me.

"Angel, you look fantastic." He leaned in to kiss me on my cheek.

Claire suddenly came running up behind us, and took us both by surprise. The shoes she held in her hands were darling, a soft blue, slip ons, with just a little bit of heel. I slipped them on, and we walked up to the counter having them just take off the tags since I was wearing them. We smiled and thanked Claire for her help. When we started walking I new there was going to be a problem, his long legs were hard to keep up with alone, but me in heels made it a whole lot worse, he noticed my problem and picked me up bridal style, he did it so fast I had no time to scream from the shock. I was just suddenly up in his arms, but I enjoyed it. I just put my arms around his neck, pecked him on the cheek and gazed into his eyes. He walked straight out to the car, opened the door, and placed me in it, him then hopping in his door.

"Now what are we doing, Micheal?" My soft eyes pleaded, and I used my begging voice.
"We will be going dancing later." He was smirking while saying this.
"Dancing?!" I smiled at him...and shook my head, he knew how much I hated it.
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OK so i had to write this chapter twice...Mibba made an error.
but let me know how you guys like it!