To Never See the Light of Day


note: *** means thoughts in present tense, whens shes looking back

I could see Matts smirk thorugh the window as he walked away, leaving me stranded in the empty cafeteria. Oh, I'm SO getting him back. Not just back, but back much worse.The minute he decided to prank Adrena Blake Cole, is the moment he started, and lost, a war. But before I can even being to think about that, I might want to try getting out of here. Looking about my surroundings, I feel pretty much at a loss. I cant very well go break the door down, escpecially not with one of these long cafeteria tables. And everyones back under the awning at the head of the camp, so no one would hear me if I yelled.
Doughnut, the kids'll be here any minute. Think Blake think! Well that worked, thinking to myself to think. Brilliant. maybe someone was running late! I hoped so, becuase the only plan I could think of was yelling. How did I mangage decent grades?
Silence. Lets try again.
Silence. Wonderful.Why couldn't I be like mcGuiver or something?

Thats when it started. It was this moment that things changed, when I first decided to use it. I told you at the beggining that I wasn't under most peoples definition of 'normal'. Now I realize you mgiht not have gotten what I meant then. Yes, I'm childish, sometimes even annoying. But thats not what makes me strange. I'm different. I'm Adrena Blake Cole, I like cats and archery. I like woodshop and have a bad habit of biting my nails. My name is Adrena Blake Cole, and I don't think I'm human.
I had to get out of there. Besides the fact that I was late, my competitive nature also wouldn't let me simply wait there and let Matt get he best of me. So I did something I only did in emergency.
Right then, I felt stupid. Stupid for getting locked in there. Stupid for what I was about to resort to. And stupid for not thinking of it two minutes earlier.
I stared out the window, looking at the lock on the outside. I need to get out of here. I need this door unlocked now. And as easily as I had thought it, it happend. With a soft click the lock turned and I opened the door, heading towards where we're supposed to meet the kids in three minutes. The only things going through my head where thoughts of revenge and wondering why don't I use this more often, it really comes in handy.

Yes, 10:17. At 10:17 life became for exciting, and more mysteries birthed themselves. At 10:17, I started to use my powers again.
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YES! im alive! after nearly a year and a half, i get around to reposting. ive had this first chapter written for awhile actually, but i hate it. i just want to get it out there, it keeps me motivated. plus now ive actually joined archery so i can add some input! im totally revamping this story (no pun intended), so critisism and ideas are appreciated! New names:
austin:matt (ive always wanted 2 name him matt..idr why i named him austin in the first place)
the rest u can firgure out probably. Note: instead of boarding school, its summer camp