Happiness is a loaded gun

Sieze the day


“So, how did you like your first day?” Alexa asked Jayden as they walked home.
“Honestly, I hated it”
“Aw..come-on! It wasn’t that bad!”
“My teachers suck”
“I have the same ones and they’re not that bad”
“That’s cause your used to them”
She was about ready to say something when her phone rang. She hastily reached into her pocket and fished it out. It was her mom, calling to see where they were.
“Alexa? Where are you?”
“Walking home with Jayden”
“Okay, bye the way, I have some people here to see you”
“You’ll see”
But her mom hung up, so all she was listening to was the annoying dial tone.
“Who was that?”
“It was my mom. She says people are waiting for me”
“hmmm...” Jayden looked lost in thought.
“Nothing. Never mind” he smiled and brought out his ipod.
“So you like Avenged Sevenfold, right?”
“Listen to this. Me and my band made a cover for City Of Evil.”
“You were in a band?”
“Yep. I played guitar”
Alexa was lost in thought. Oh my god, he is so hot, she thought, glancing sideways at him. He was untangling his headphones, his slender fingers quickly working through the mess. He handed her one, and she popped it in her ear. Now he was walking really close to her, and her breath tightened in her chest. He turned on the song, and the pumping beat filled her head. It was amazing. He was no Syn Gates, but...He was good alright. How could a guy like him ever like me? She thought, filled with despair. He couldn’t, her head told her. His arm brushed hers, and it sent an electric chill through her body.
“This is really good” she said, looking at him.
“Thanks. I’m not as good as Syn, but maybe one day I’ll get there”
“I’m sure you will. How long have you been playing”
“Since I could walk. You play, right?”
She blushed. “Only a little. I can only play intro’s.”
“Well, if you want, I can teach you” She looked at him, a smile bright on her face.
“Okay” He smiled back and looked down at his ipod and changed the song.
“I love this song,” she murmured, listening to the music. The song was “seize the day” by Avenged Sevenfold, and it was one of the sweetest songs ever written. Jayden didn’t say anything and when she peeked at him, he was looking straight ahead. He looked upset.
“Jayden, I know this is a personal question, but do you have a girlfriend?”
“No. My last girlfriend died in a car accident. This song reminds me of her.”
“Oh My God! I’m sooo sorry!”
“No biggie. Do you have a boyfriend?”
She blushed bright red. “No”
They didn’t talk, looking straight ahead, listening to music. When the reached the house and walked in, Alexa was shocked.
“Dillion? Jesse? What are you doing here?”
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is dedicated to Your Worst Nightmare, because she is one of my most loyal readers, and is bugging me for updates.

So, darling, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

Please post a comment. Thank you.

p.s- All of the chapters are going to say they are written by me, but they were actually written by me and Alyssa, just I'm the one posting them.