The Cracks in Our Foundation

You'd Be Happy to *** Me Right?

I lost myself in the crowd. People quickly moved out of my way. They'd probably heard about the fight. I didn't give a shit, let them think what they wanted as long as they stayed the fuck out of my way. I was itching for a fight and I didn't care too much with who.

I ended up back outside, smoking my fifth cigarette in a row. Deep in my soul, I felt tonight was going to be a turning point. One way or another something was going to change between us. I couldn't keep living this life. It was killing my soul to deal with it day after day. Not to mention the possibility of homicide charges at some point in the future.

I looked down at my watch. It had been over an hour since I'd last seen him. I knew he would be drinking hard after the fight. That's what he always did. I may have been royally pissed at him but I still cared. I needed to check on him.

I found him in the living room. I could tell by the look on his face that he was completely trashed. He caught my eyes and I made my way through the crowed room towards him.

"Are you okay? Maybe you should lighten up on the drinking?" I whispered in his ear.

"Who the fuck are you to tell me?" he yelled. "Did you suddenly become my mother? Cause I'm pretty sure my mother isn't as big of a bitch as you!"

Eyes from all around the room turned to us. If the entire house exploded right that moment, I don't think too many people would have been that upset.

I felt something inside me snap. I hadn't even realized I was yelling back until I was almost done.

"Well goddamn I might as well be! I pick up after you, I wash your clothes, I pay the bills, I do everything. At least if I was your mother, I could give you some goddamn chores!" I got in his face in spat.

"You think I don't do anything?!"

"I know you don't do anything! I know because I'm busy doing it myself. And I'm soooo fucking tired of it. I'm no one's mother, least of all your's," I turned my back on him.

"Don't walk away form me when I talking to you," he grabbed my upper arm and spun me around.

"DO NOT touch me," I growled.

Some of the crowd moved forward, no doubt afraid it would become violent. It gave me an odd thrill. This had been building up for a long time, for both of us. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he needed this as badly as I did. Maybe they should let us just fight it out. We could charge admission to raise money for the new lives we would undoubtedly need tomorrow.

"Ha ha that's the first time you've ever said that in your life," he sneered.

"How would you know? You hardly ever touch me anymore!"

There was a collective indrawn breath from the room. Everyone took a step back.

I looked around and grabbed a random guy form the crowd.

"You'd be happy to fuck me right?" I asked him. He could not have looked more uncomfortable if he tried.

" well... I have a girlfriend," he looked around desperately for an escape.

"I didn't say you were going to do it. I just asked if you would. It's a hypothetical question!" I was completely insane at this point.

"Umm...sure?" he pulled away and quickly left the room.

"See he'd do it," I turned back to him.

"Well I wish him all the luck in the world. He's gonna need it if he gets tangled up with you!" He stepped up closer to me.

He opened his mouth, no doubt to deliver the finishing blow to my ego. But it wasn't words that came out of his mouth.

It was vomit.

And it landed all over my perfect, new shoes.

All in all, it was a fitting end to the evening.