Meet Your Worst Nightmare, ME

Meet Your Worst Nightmare, ME

It was currently eleven o' clock and here I am walking, no skipping the streets. Like I don't have a care in the world. CAREFREE. I had my trusty ipod on, and I was currently lost in one of my favorite songs. Although you can say almost everything on my ipod was my favorite song. As i sung probably off key to the last part of the song I stopped. I had to tied my shoelace. As the song switched to another I heard the weirdest and most terrifying growl in all my life, this was no dog growl neither. I raise my head up and see a figure of a man standing in front of me. Although he stood in the shadows I could see his porcelain white skin, and the glimmer of his pearly white teeth. A small gasped escaped my lips. I slowly stood up and took a step backwards, something was not right about this guy. He took one forward stepping into the light revealing his blood red thirsty eyes.

Alice's P.O.V.
I gasp as I saw a girl alone at night with a vampire looking to kill. She gasped and he smiled. He when to attack her when everything went blank. I blinked my eyes, and came back to reality. I'd have to mention this to Carlisle.

Trisha's P.O.V.

I begin to tremble. His lips turned up at the corners into a wide grin. And it only took a second for me to start running, running like hell, crazily into the night. Then he appeared in front of me, I almost ran straight into him. A low snicker came from his lips.

“Going anywhere?”

I gasped again an turned around. I ran and ran turning every corner almost quick enough to lose my balance. Then I heard him, he was right beside me whispering in my ear. It was clear he could caught me but he'd whether play with me, let me have hope escaping just to making it more interesting for him. That's when I started screaming. That's when he'd had enough, I'd ruined his game. He grabbed me and slammed me into a wall, knocking the breath right out of me. I feel to my knees. He smiled at me, but didn't move. Like he was waiting for me to try and run away again, hoping to continue his game. And like an idiot I tried. But this time he was a little more hostel. I heard as his jaws snapped at me. I let out a scream again. But there was no one to hear me, he knew that. He had stopped me the first time just to give me false hope that someone might hear me if I tried again. I slipped but not completely he tried to grab my leg and ended up scratching me. I let out a scream of pain, it felt like a knife just cut through me.

“Help!” I bellowed.

I slipped again this time completely, enough for him to pounce. But the impact of him never came. Instead I heard him get knocked into a wall. The wall crumbled where he had left his dent. Hovering over him was a HUGE and I mean huge wolf! I stared in astonishment as they fought, eventually the wolf won. I had to turn away from the sight as the wolf ripped the inhuman guy to shreds. I looked between my fingers when I couldn't hear anything anymore and the wolf was looking at me. With its long shaggy looking fur and brown eyes. It took a step towards me. I squeaked.

“ Listen here y-you wolf, I'm no piggy, or little red riding hood” I stuttered.

It let out a noise and looked like it just rolled his eyes. But I wasn't in the mood or position to make sure.

“Please mister big bad wolf. I'll scream and they'll call animal control on you!”

Then I saw it, it had a pair of shorts tied to its ankle.

“Oh my gawd, you've already eaten someone before that guy and now you want thirds!” I shrieked.

It looked like it was about to attacked so I closed my eyes like it would help somehow. Then there was a weird pow noise. And I looked up to see a hot half-naked guy in front of me. My mouth made an O shape.

Jake's P.O.V.

I decided to shifted back into my human form before I gave this girl a heart attack. She closed her eyes like I was about to attack. I shifted back. She'd probably miss the obvious and think the wolf ran off when I came. When she looked at me she looked surprise. Then she got up off the ground and pointed a shaking finger a me.

“What the hell man, you just fucking turned from a wolf to guy!” she yelled.

Apparently I hadn't given her enough credit. I pulled out a pair of matches and walked over to the piled of defeated bloodsucker limbs and lit it up.

“What the hell are you doing?” she yelled at me.

It was irritating, I'd wished she keep it down a little, not that anyone could here. I turned towards here and she looked alarmed. I held my hands up in defense.

“I'm not gonna hurt you.” I said slowly.

“Who are you? What are you? Get away from me!” she warned.

She tried to run and failed, she had a pretty nice gash in her leg. She winced in pain remembering it was there. I walked over to her and and picked her up. She needed a doctor. She tried to worm her way out of my grip.

“No, let go of me. I'll yell rape!” she stammered.

I rolled my eyes. And tapped her on the head.

“Stop being difficult.”

She stopped trashing in my arms and I looked down. She was out, she most have hit her head early and my little bump didn't help. Oops. I picked up speed when I heard something.
It was her ipod...after ALL THAT it was still playing...
♠ ♠ ♠
OK people that was chapter one. lemme know what you think in a comment :]

Fun Fact: the first song she was listening was Mama by MCR and the song Jake heard was Typical by Tickle Me Pink.