Meet Your Worst Nightmare, ME

Meet Your Worst Nightmare, ME

Trisha's P.O.V.

I groan as I slowly open my eyes and close them again. There was a beeping noise that was growing quit annoying. I open my eyes and squint them do to the brightness of the all white room. I most have been in a hospital, it had that weird vibe to it. I try and sit up and gasp when I felt dizzy and collapsed back onto the bed.

“She's awake.”

I heard someone say. Then the door opens and a hand pulls back the currents. He walks in with a smile on his face in his doctor get up. I felt my whole body go numb, the heart monitor suddenly sped up, indicating my heart speed had increased. The doctor looked alarmingly at me.

“S-stay away f-from me! Y-you thing, I know what you are!”

“What are you talking about? Please clam down I mean you no harm, and I'm not a thing, I prefer human.”

“What do I look like stupid? I know-You look just like him...”

“Who?” he asked.

“ Like that inhuman thing that attacked me, that's what. You have the same freakishly pale skin and charm that he had!”

I saw the doctors eyes widen but go back to normal just as quick. If i would have blinked I would've missed it. I knew his secret and he was on edge.

“Now, miss please just clam down. You hit your head pretty hard you've been unconscious for 2 days now.” he exclaimed.

“NURSE!” I started yelling.

I looked aimlessly for the little button to buzz her in. then I heard a somewhat fimilar voice.

“What's going on in here?”

Then the guy from yesterday was there.

“Ugh, not you too! NURSE!”

“What? Carlisle whats wrong with her?” he asked annoyed.

“I'm not sure, but I believe she's frightened off me...” he admitted sheepishly.

WAIT . Did he actually sound a little hurt to me. Maybe I was out of it, and I really did hurt his feelings. I bit my lip, I didn't mean to offend him or anything. I suppose he was just doing his job.
“Ugh-” I stopped.

Thinking what to say. They seemed to have noticed and looked at me to speak again. Although I didn't want to hurt this man's feelings, I was sure something was up with him and I wasn't gonna let my guard down until I felt it was okay.

“There's something different...I know your like him. Just not in the same ways...your eyes they are warmer, more open. And I don't feel the need to much.”

The other guy looked from me to him. Who was this guy anyway?

“Hey, tall, tan, and handsome. What's your name?”

“It's Jacob, Jacob Black.” he said awkwardly like he was trying to figure out what was going on.

“Oh, cool! Black I'm Brown, Trisha Brown!” I said happily.

He just arched an eyebrow at me.

“Ugh, excuse me for asking miss, but we couldn't find much on your record here. You've only been in Forks for about a year. Do you have a guardian with you?”

“Ugh, n-no they died...along time ago.” I said putting my head down, to hide the fact that I was lying.

“Oh, I'm so sorry. Where have you been staying? Do you have someone looking after you?”

“No, I've been on my that a problem.?”

“We ran tested and found nothing wrong with you. We were going to release you as soon as we got a signature don't seem to have a place to go.”

“Does that mean I have to stay here? I can't pay for this!”

“Don't worry I've got this covered, but were will you stay? I can't just let you remain on the streets..” he said while turning his head to face Jacob's.

“Oh no, no, no, no, no, no! I can't!” he yelled.

“Jake please, she has no were to go.”

“So let her stay with you!”

“You know why I can't.” he pleaded.

He took one quick look at me.

“Ugh, fine,”
♠ ♠ ♠
chapter 2 hope u likey but if u dnt plz no bitey >.<

comments=love (and the confidence to write more :D)