Meet Your Worst Nightmare, ME

Meet Your Worst Nightmare, ME

I changed back into my normal clothes and followed Jacob outside of the hospital. Carlisle seemed to trust him and if he was looking for my well being, I'd guess I'd have to trust Jacob too. We walk to the side where the parking lot was and I stopped.

“Wait, you want me to get on that, with you?” I asked sarcastically.

“Would you prefer to walk to my house? Oh wait that's right, you don't know where it is or have a choice.”

“Hey what's stuck up your ass? Don't get all pissy with me.” I hissed.

“Oh so you have the right to make the smart ass remarks but I don't?”

“Yeah, pretty much.” I said nonchalantly.

I heard him sigh, and I could bet he was rolling his eyes. It made me smirk. He turned towards me and handed me his helmet.

“What are you going to wear?” I asked.

“I didn't think to bring two because I didn't plain on someone coming back with me.” he muttered.

He sounded really bitter now, we had started off on the wrong foot. That was the last thing I need if I planned to stay with this guy and his family. Maybe I'd just take what I needed and split.

“Hey don't be so offense, I speak sarcasm like it's a second language. I hardly mean anything by it.” I say.

He climbs on the bike and I follow. As I put the helmet on he starts the bike up. I wrap my arms around him tightly and pray to god I don't go flying off. Before I knew it we were speeding away from the hospital. I closed my eyes for the most part. After a good little ride, he began to slow down. We turned onto a different road and then behind a house. He cut of the engine and removed the keys. I took off the helmet and gladly jumped off the bike.

“You okay? You look a little dizzy.”

“Fine.” I muttered.

I was trying to stop him from spinning in my head. He rolled his bike into the garage, and then came back out. I followed him through the front door. There was a small ramp. Did someone stay in a wheelchair here? He walked in turned on some lights. He threw his keys on the table and turned towards me.

“I guess you can make yourself comfortable.” he said.

“Where is everybody?Where's your family?”

“My dad isn't her he went to stay with a friend for the weekend.” he stated.

For the weekend. That's right I'd been out for two whole days.

“You still live with your dad?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, what did you think?” he asked a little offensively.

“Well aren't you a little old to be staying with your old man? I mean most guys move out bout time they're eighteen...” I said.

He snorted.

“What? What's so funny, it's true.” I asked.

“You think I'm eighteen?”

“No over eighteen.” I corrected.

“Well hate to burst your bubble but I'm only sixteen.”

“Yeah and I'm related to Chubacca.” I insisted.

“Haha, real funny, but I'm serious.”

“Okaaay, so where am I crashing?” I asked changing the subject.

“You'll take my room, I'll sleep in my dad's.”

“Okay next question you have something I can sleep in for tonight. I kinda don't have any clothes, if it weren't already too obvious.” I said.

“Um, yeah. I'll have Alice take you shopping tomorrow.”

“Who?” I asked.

“Alice, she's a friend.”

“Okay whatever, but I don't have any money.”

“It's okay she's got it”

“What 5 finger discount?”

“No, she's load, she won't mind”

“Oh I see.”

I walk to the back and down the hall.

“Hey can I take a shower?”

“Go ahead, lemme get you some clothes to sleep in.”

He gave me a white tee and old pair of boxer shorts.

“Gee thanks...” I mutter.

He got on the phone and I made my way to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and adjusted the water to the right temperature. Then i stripped down and stepped into the shower. It felt so relaxing. I let out a sigh of relief and reach for the shower gel.


At least it wasn't tag.

“Hey Jacob! Do you have any girlie shower gel? I'd rather not smell like you.”

“Look in the cabinet.” he hollered at me.

Alice's P.O.V.

I skipped myself downstairs to answer the phone, Carlisle had something to tell me. When I answered, he had already started to talk.

“Alice do you remember telling me about a girl being attacked by an unknown vampire? Today I had a patient who seemed to be attacked by one, and lived to tell the tell thanks to Jacob. She seemed frighten by me, I think she made a connection between me and the other vampire who attacked her.” Carlisle exclaimed.

“You think she knows?” I said astonished.

“Maybe, I'm not quit sure. I think she believes I'm like the inhuman thing last night, but I think after time I can convince her otherwise.” he breathed into the phone.

“So she did not make the connection completely, she doesn't know your a vampire, just that your something possibly inhuman?”

“Yes, she's staying with Jacob momentarily, she has no place to go.”

Then there was a click on the phone.

“Hold on Carlisle, my other line.” I inform him.

I click over and answer.


“Hey, Alice it's Jacob.”

“Jacob, you have the girl with you?”

“Yeah, Carlisle told you?”

“Yes, he did. How is she?”

“Fine, a little annoying but fine. I was wondering if you could take her to get some new clothes. She'll be staying with me for a while and she doesn't have any.”

“Oh of course, that would be great!” I said oh too excited.

“Great I have to go, now. Thanks a lot.”

I click over back to Carlisle.

“All see if you can meet her.” Carlisle went on.

“No need, I'm taking her shopping tomorrow for some new clothes.” I said all chipper.

“Of course, I'll see you when I get home. Bye”

I hung up the phone and made my way back up stairs. Tomorrow would be fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
okie dokie part 3 kiddies

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