Aaron Gillespie

Aaron Gillespie

Alicia stepped to the front room windows and looked outside. Relief flooded through her when she was Grandpa Roger and Aaron coming up the walk. They both looked calm and comfortable. Apparently thered been no slip up on Aarons part.

She opened the door as they ascended the port steps. Are you frozen yet?

Not at all, her grandfather replied. Its a lovely morning.

Brr. She shuddered. Too cold for my blood.

Aaron stepped in front of her and casually kissed her cheek. Her heart missed a beat, and her breath caught in her chest.

Did I say how pretty you look his morning? he whispered. I expect this is going to be the best Thanksgiving Ive ever had.

A pleasant warmth surged through her veins.

A half second later she realized her grandfather was watching them and grinning from ear to ear. Of course. Aaron was doing this for Grandpa Rogers benefit. Shed almost forgotten it was an act. For a moment shed become part of a fantasy.

Do you need help in the kitchen? Aaron continued.

She shook her head, her mouth too dry to speak.

Good. I promised your grandfather Id give him a lesson on the Internet. He smiled that sexy smile of his. He hopes he can meet someone as pretty as you in a chat room.

Aaron gave her another kiss, this time on the forehead. Then he strode toward the bedroom, whistling softly under his breath.

She stood beside the open door a moment or two longer, thankful for the cool air on her skin. Her head told her his words were nothing more than lines, but her heart longed to believe they were true.

She was embarrassed to admit, even to herself, how ridiculously hungry for a mans compliments she was. Hormones again, she decided as she closed the door. Just these stupid hormones.

Hey, Alicia, Aaron called from the bedroom. Can you come here a minute?

Coming. She headed for the hallway. Ill be right back, Grandpa.

When she entered the master bedroom, she found Aaron on his knees beside the sofa bed, looking beneath it.

Lose something? she asked.

Yeah. My favorite pen. I keep it in the side pocket of my bag. I used it yesterday morning, but it isnt there now. Mustve fallen out when I moved my stuff in here. He straightened, sitting back on his heels. Its a marbled navy-blue color with a gold band. About this wide. He indicated the width with his right thumb and index finger. Have you seen it?

She shook her head. Sorry.

A tiny frown furrowed his forehead. I cant figure that out, he said softly to himself. Then he shrugged and rose from the floor. I suppose it will turn up. He grabbed the case holding his laptop. My new office is a bit crowded, he said, referring to the small room in the basement where his fax machine and files had been placed. Is there another spot your grandfather and I can use?

There is a phone jack near the piano. That would work. The lights good, and the chairs are comfy.

Okay. He stepped toward her, then stopped, his eyes locked with hers. How come you dont like to snow ski?


Your grandfather says you dont like to ski.

No, I dont.


His eyes were the most luscious shade of blue. When he looked at her, so intent and earnest, she could hardly think straight.


She swallowed. I didnt care for it, the times Ive tried.

Maybe you had the wrong instructor. He smiled as he tipped his head slightly to one side. Do you suppose youd give it another try for your husband?

There went her heart, thumping erratically again.

After the baby comes, of course, Aaron went on.

He didnt have a clue how his words affected her. How could he? She wasnt sure she understood.

But thats only He paused. What? Less than eight weeks now?

Somehow she found her voice. Im sure the season will be nearly over before the doctor would release me to go skiing.

I know that. He lowered his voice. But your grandfather was wondering if you might take it up now that were married, and I thought Id better find out. Seems like something we wouldve talked about. Doesnt it?

He had a way of bursting her bubbles before she got too carried away. She supposed she could be grateful for that.

Youre right, she answered. We should have talked about it. And the answer is, no. I dont want to take up skiing.

Too bad. He looked genuinely disappointed. I think you couldve learned to like it.

She had the horrible feeling he was right. She thought she could learn to like anything he wanted to teach her.

Id better baste the turkey, she whispered, hurrying away before those sharp eyes of his saw more than she wanted him to.