Aaron Gillespie

Aaron Gillespie

To Aaron it seemed an eternity before Alicia came out of the bathroom. And all the time he waited, he kept trying to figure out the right thing to say. He didnt know why it seemed such a big deal. Hed only been after a drink of water, and it wasnt as if hed seen anything, anyway.

Still, there was something very married about being in the bathroom with a naked women immersed in her bubble bath. Something surprisingly intimate.

The instant the door opened, Aaron sat up. Sorry, he said again.

I guess the locks broken, she answered softly.

Ill fix it tomorrow.


He saw her pull back the blankets and crawl into bed. Again he tried to think of the right think to say, and again he failed.

Then Rosie hoped onto Alicias bed and coiled herself into a ball on one of the pillows. A moment later, Rags entered the bedroom and laid her ugly head on the mattress close to her mistresss face. A whimper brought the desired response; Alicia stroked the dogs coat.

Maybe it was a good thing she surrounded herself with pets. Otherwise Aaron might have been tempted to go to her, to take her in his arms, to kiss her the way he wanted to kiss her. Not those fake shows of affection for her grandfathers benefit, but the kind of kiss a man gave the woman he desired.

That settled it. Tomorrow he was headed for the slopes. Skiing was one of the things that had brought him to Idaho, and a day at Bogus Basin was sure to take his mind off Alicia Armstrong. He hoped.



Ill be out of here early in the morning. Im going up to Bogus to ski.

She was silent a moment, then said, Okay.

Ill fill you in on what your grandfather and I did before I go.

Fine. Her voice was faint, not quite a whisper.

Goodnight, Alicia.

Goodnight, Aaron.