Aaron Gillespie

Aaron Gillespie

Alicia was shaking. Whether from excitement or nerves, Aaron couldnt be sure. He suspected it was a combination of the two.

As the first passengers exited the jet way, Aaron placed an arm around her back and whispered, Here we go, sweetheart.

She glanced up, obviously surprised by the endearment.

The charade begins, he added quickly, wanting her to understand his choice of words was all part of the pretense. Act 1, scene 1. Remember your lines?

She gave him a pained smile, accompanied by a nod, then returned her gaze to the jet way.

The waiting area and concourse grew noisier as friends and family were welcomed.

There he is. Alicia raised her arm and waved. Grandpa! Over here!

Roger Armstrong hadnt changed much over the past decade. Perhaps the good reverend was a bit thinner, but his hair was the same stone-gray and his smile was warm and friendly as Aaron remembered. In face, he would say her grandfather looked pretty darn good for a man of seventy-seven in not the best of health.

There was a definite question in the elderly mans eyes as he approached the two of them. Then he stopped short, his eyes widening, and Aaron knew Roger Armstrong had finally noticed Alicias expanded waistline.

Hi, Grandpa. Her greeting was tentative.

I assume this-- Grandpa Roger glanced at her belly. is my surprise?

Yes. She took a deep breath. And here is the other part. This is Aaron Gillespie. My husband.

Aaron offered his hand. Nice to meet you, sir.

Grandpa Roger hesitated only a moment before taking Aarons hand in his. And you, young man. His gaze was firm as his grasp. Have we met before?

Years ago, Mr. Armstrong. When I was a kid. I lived across the street from Alicia until my dad transferred to Florida. I came back to Idaho recently to enjoy the simpler life.

Grandpa Roger nodded, then looked at his grand-daughter once again. I think its time for a hug. The rest of the store can wait.

She responded immediately throwing her arms around him and holding on tight. Her grandfather said something to her, but he spoke too softly for Aaron to understand. When the older man looked at him over Alicias shoulder, Aaron felt a sudden desire to earn his respect.

He wondered if that would be possible, given the lies he intended to tell.

It had been four years since Roger Armstrongs last visit to Idaho. As was always the case, he saw signs of change and growth during the drive from the airport to the old farmhouse he and his wife had lived in four the twenty-five years hed pastured the small church in Meridian. He was sorry to see the farmland disappearing, but hed lived long enough to know and accept that progress often meant unwanted change.

Alicia glanced over her shoulder as Aaron drove his SUV onto the freeway exit ramp. Do you need anything at the store before we go home?

Not a thing, my girl.

She smiled then turned forward, her gaze pausing briefly upon her husband before returning to the road before them.

Roger looked at the back of Aaron Gillespies head, wondering why Alicia had kept her marriage a secret all these months. He suspected, whatever she told him, he wouldnt be hearing the whole truth. Something was amise. He just didnt know what.

But he was willing to wait and observe and listen. His age and profession had taught him patience.