Aaron Gillespie

Aaron Gillespie

All things considered, the evening went well.

Over a supper of grilled chicken breasts, mashed potatoes, and peas with carrots, Alicia asked her grandfather about his friends in Arizona, about the heart specialists recommendations for his diet, about anything that would steer the conversation away from Aaron and their marriage.

It wasnt yet nine oclock when Grandpa Roger announced it was time for him to turn in.

Are you feeling all right? Alicia and Aaron said in unison.

She waited until she heard the bedroom door close before she asked. Do you think hes really all right? I should have insisted he lie down when we first got home.

Alicia Aaron laid his hand on her shoulder. Relax. He said he was just tired.

I know but, --

He squeezed her shoulder. Hes okay.

She looked at him. The hint of a smile curved his mouth, and his gaze was filled with tenderness. She hoped she wasnt going to start crying again. She was sick to death of her propensity for turning on the waterworks.

Maybe Id better go to bed, too. She stood. Ill be up early to put the turkey in the oven.

Im going to watch a bit of television.

She nodded.

Ill try not to wake you when I come to bed.

Her breath caught. How could she have forgotten, even for a short while, that Aaron would be sharing her bedroom for the next five weeks?

Ill make up the sofa, she said before hurrying away, grateful he didnt volunteer to help.

The master bedroom was large, and the sofa and her bed were on opposite sides of the room. The connecting back had a lock on the door. Alicia didnt have to worry about privacy or propriety. There was no reason for her heart to be racing the way it was.

Within a short time, she had the sofa bed opened and made up. Then she brushed her teeth, washed her face, put on her nightgown and crawled into bed, the lights out. But sleep didnt come quickly as shed hoped.

How could it, when she kept wondering how soon Aaron would come to bed?