Savor All the Emotions

She wants watch the little piggies squeal as their fat is burned away. She has no rules to live by. She wants to watch Gotham burn, with the Batman tied to a pole in the center of the flames. The city without it's lovely little hero. She is Patrick Fenrir.

He wants just what she wants. He thrives off the anarchy he creates. He doesn't want the money, or the fame that comes with what he does. He wants to watch Gotham fret as everything established is destroyed. And he wants her. He is the Joker.

Heath-We miss you. A lot. <3
  1. The Sharpest Lives
    Drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands-Romeo!
  2. Cities Burn
    "Hello gorgeous," I heard a slick voice whisper as I stared up at the burning building, "Why so serious?"
  3. Bad Day
    I had a bad day again. Again, again, again. I'm sorry. I'm rambling.
  4. Pick Up The Phone
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