Savor All the Emotions

The Sharpest Lives

I giggled as I watched her struggle. She was too cute, tied up to that chair in her little black dress and her big blue eyes. My little plaything. My dolly Melinda. She looked innocent. Looked.

She was such a sharp little doll though. Partying and drinking and doing hard drugs with her little designer friends and laughing it up like life was a joke only her and her friends were in on! Sex and drugs made up her life. This was not the dolly I wanted. So I had to get rid of her.

"Melinda, Melinda, when will you learn?" I giggled, pressing a knife to her throat as I circled her, licking my lips and letting out a quick cackle, "This isn't what I wanted you for! How could you let me find you like that? Snorting coke off a toilet seat? That doesn't make a very child friendly dolly!"

I cackled again and let the knife slide down her neck and settle on her stomach. I smiled at her as I dug into the soft, slightly bloated skin, working the knife in little circles as she whimpered. When I finally drew blood, I lifted the knife away and quickly stabbed it into her leg.

"Oh Melinda, don't scream!" I chuckled as her eyes grew wide, no sound escaping her taped over little mouth, her pouty little lips secure under all that shiny silver tape, "Neighbors can't hear pretty dolly scream! That would give such a bad impression!"

She whimpered again, letting tears spill down her cheeks as she soundlessly sobbed. I frowned and pulled the knife from her leg, wrenching it out of her thigh and putting it to her cheek, catching the tears on the blade.

"Stop crying!" I screamed suddenly, jabbing the knife lightly into her cheek, knowing it would hurt as the tears hit the open wound, "Dolly's don't cry! Dolly's can't make tears...But Dolly's can make other people shed tear's. Remember when you made me cry, Melinda?"

She shook her head furiously, as if denying the fact would make it somehow untrue.

"Oh, Melinda." I sighed, shaking my head and grinning at her, leaning into her face until our noses touched, "You're a dolly! You're too pretty for this world! You made me cry so much in high school, Melinda. You were so pretty, so graceful. I was your best friend, but totally ignored in your little social circle. I was too weird for you, wasn't I?"

I ripped the tape off her mouth in anger, wanting a response. Why was I never accepted?

"You're insane!" She screeched, spitting at my feet. I frowned. Dolly's aren't supposed to be rude. Dolly's should be more ladylike. Not like me.

"No I'm not. No, I'm not." I said, accenting the last bit for an added effect, "You are! Silly little Dolly! You make me laugh."

She glared at me, her eyes dark and filled with hate. Oh! Dolly does drugs and has sex with strangers, and I'm still the weird one? Well!

"I think I'm gonna kill you now, pretty dolly." I cackled, licking my lips again and leaning back, pulling out a small pistol, "Bye bye Melinda. I hate you!"

She didn't even get a scream out before the bullet was through her head. Little bits of skull and pieces of grey brainy goo splattered against the walls. It was disappointing.

I sighed as I dropped the gun, pulling out a knife and cutting into her arms and legs, creating a nice sized puddle of blood on the floor. I smiled, dropping the dagger and lathering her blood on my hands.

"Romeo, Romeo!" I cried, giggling, "Where for art thou, Romeo? Oh, Romeo! Oh, I wish I had a Romeo. Dolly, did you have a Romeo? Oh, I forgot! You're dead! Maybe my Romeo's right outside...Oh, Dolly. I have to leave now. Don't get too lonely, tied up and sitting here in this big old apartment! Bye bye dolly!"

I smiled at Melinda's dead body. She was still pretty, even if she was missing half of her skull and was all sliced up. A cut up angel. I was jealous. She had such beauty, and I was just plain old Patrick.

I sighed, grabbing my fun little gun off the floor and sticking it into the waistband of my jeans. Jealously was slowly consuming my mind as I took one last look at Melinda. I was nothing special. Pale and lanky, like alabaster. Bleach blonde hair and big green eyes, with a slightly crooked nose and thin pink lips. Nothing to brag about when it came to being busty. Not like my dead little dolly.

By now, I was outside of the apartment complex. I blinked. When did I get out here?

"Well hello, Gorgeous." I heard a voice cackle, and turned to see a stooped young man with an oddly colored but still fashion savvy purple and green suit, "How wonderful you were. A sharp little firecracker in there!"

I frowned and licked my lips, cocking my head to the side. Who was this nut case and what did he want with me?

"Oh, toots, I heard her screaming up there. Or was that you?" He asked, licking his own brightly painted red lips, the make up stretched out to the very outside of his cheeks, "You sound beautiful when you scream!"

"Do you want something, Romeo?" I asked, sarcasm evident in my tone, "I hear I'm a wonderful fuck, if that's what you're looking for. A real screamer."

He growled, stalking over and grabbing my jaw with an incredible amount of strength. He cackled as he looked me in the eyes, pulling his free hand up and slapping me across the face. I frowned and whimpered as tears stung at my eyes. That hurt.

"You're even prettier up close." He grinned, patting my cheek where he had struck it, "What's your name?"

"Patrick. Patrick. Patrick!" I screamed, pulling away from him and kicking him in the gut, watching as he chuckled, "Who the hell are you?"

"You don't know who I am, toots?" He asked, grinning, "Well, I'll tell you just who I am."

He smirked as he pulled my collar out, stuffing a card down my shirt and sticking it into my bra. I huffed and brought my knee up, hitting him in between the legs with a shocking amount of force.

"You're insane!" I shouted, and he slapped me again, knocking me into the wall as he licked at his lips.

"Call anytime, bitch." He shouted, stalking away, fading into the dark streets of Gotham.

I frowned and reached down my shirt, pulling the playing card out and examining it under the street light. I could hear the sirens a few blocks away. Somebody had called the police.

I started to run, still looking at the card.

"The Joker?"
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I haven't seen this yet. And I probably won't until next weekend, cause that's when I get paid. But I love Heath Ledger as the Joker. I hear he's what makes the movie. And the wonderful author Jack J. Napier inspired me a bit too.

Let me know what you think, beautiful.