Savor All the Emotions

Cities Burn

I giggled as Dolly looked up at me from the page, her blue eyes wide and her mouth taped over. She still looked pretty, even as a bit of graphite on a piece of paper. But Dolly was old news. They had shown her face on the news a few days before, along with a few pieces of so called evidence, and a description of the killer. All fake.

"Oh, Dolly," I sighed, ripping up the paper and laughing as bits of her face littered the floor, "We're old news. I guess you weren't so important after all. Oh well. There are bigger fish to fry."

I licked my lips as I stood up, the comfort of the chair already a loss to my poor backside. But, as I said, there are bigger fish to fry. A city to terrorize.

I smiled as I walked out of the apartment, closing the door behind me as I made my way down the stairs. I started whistling, thinking of all the other pretty dolly's I could find on Gotham's streets. Oh, they would be tied up in their ribbons and lace, and I would crack their skulls open or slit their throats in an alley! A fairytale ending!

Dolly's are just too pretty for this shitty little world. But I helped them with that. Deep down, I know that everyone appreciates what I do. How could they not?

I giggled a bit as I walked down the sidewalk, running a hand through my long blonde hair. It was windy, and the sky looked like it was about to rain. A perfect bit of weather. It would wash away a dolly's blood.

I frowned as somebody suddenly ran into me, apologizing profusely before continuing to run. Something about a fire escaped their lips before they took off, and I sniffed at the air curiously. Smoke? That explained the sky's coloring, the ashy grey that looked like a storm.

"A fire? How wonderful!" I shouted in delight, walking in the opposite direction of the hit and run escapee, looking up for a tall burning building, "Oh, where is it? Where, oh where for art thou, little fire?"

There was panic on everyone's faces as they ran by, screaming profanities about the fire, the building, and the Joker. Was he the one behind all this? Silly clown. The city isn't a circus. You don't run the show.

"Ah!" I made a small noise of notification as I approached the burning building. It was a large apartment complex, filled with pretty dolly's that I had wanted to burn. To shoot. To cut. I was the one in charge of the dolly's, not this silly little clown with poor posture and big aspirations.

"Fuckin' Joker," I sighed, listening as one of the dolly's screamed. I wished I was the one that had caused her flesh to melt right off her bones, "These are my dolly's, he can't play with them! Selfish, greedy little clown..."

"Hello gorgeous," I heard a slick voice whisper as I stared up at the burning building, "Why so serious?"

"You wrecked my dolly's." I pouted, my lower lip jutting out as I stamped my foot, accidentally smashing onto his, which caused him to hiss. I winced as he quickly smacked me in the side of the head, the force making it wobble around on my neck, "Ow!"

"Shut up!" He shouted, and I winced as his hand made contact with my face, slapping a very smelly cloth in front of my nose and mouth, "Or I'll make you shut up. You're at your prettiest when you've got your damned mouth shut."

I grimaced at the last bit out of his mouth, wriggling around in an attempt to break free. Was he using chloroform? I frowned as I felt my eyelid's grow heavy. Silly clown played dirty.

"That's right," He cackled, petting my head with one hand and holding me tight with the other, "You sleep, princess. You sleep while the city burns."
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I rewrote this about 3 times before I was happy with it. I was thinking about other stuff, like my green hair, and it was distracting. I'll probably be updating a bit this week, I don't have to work at all. Comments please? I need feedback to let me know if I'm sucking or not.