Status: Hiatus, but you already guessed that. Chapters may be coming soon, but VERY slowly.

Du Bist Alles Was Ich Bin

Emily is an ordinary girl from England. As is her best friend Emi. Emily's family go on holiday to Germany and stay in the Hotel Heilig. He father is an artist and sculptor of stone. He carved 15 fireplaces for the luxury suites. As a tip and thank you the hotel offer a free months stay in the luxury suites themselves. When they get there Emily and Emi are put in room 483. So it's no surprise Emily freaks out when she's a huge fan of Tokio Hotel. Staying in Zimmer 483 for her was a dream come true. But, could it bring more than just a month of luxury...?

Before you go an read the rest of the story i need you guys to know that even though Emily and Emi are in my other Tokio Hotel story Für Immer Heilig Sein this story is in no way linked to that one. The only thing the same is the fact that Tokio Hotel are in it and it has Emily and Emi in it. Just so you guys know. Because I know I have been speaking to other people about it and they say they may get confused. That's why I've made this story really very different to my other.

Another New story!
It's written between myself and Alleine Zusammen [who is an absolutly amazing writter if you didn't already know] It's a hilarious story called The Adventures of the Mini-Kaulitz Twins Check it out, you will nt be disappointed, i promise you that!
It's got an original plot never been done before jokes and drama the lot you guys will love it!

Peace Out!