Status: Hiatus, but you already guessed that. Chapters may be coming soon, but VERY slowly.

Du Bist Alles Was Ich Bin

Morning Meetings

Emily’s POV

‘Who were you on the phone to?’ He looked tried and worried at the same time.

‘An old friend. She’s coming over to have an interview with you. She’ll be here by around 5 tomorrow evening. Well, this evening. You know what I mean. You look exhausted, why don’t you sleep?’

‘I would, it’s just that I had a weird dream and I heard you telling someone you love them. And it wasn’t me.’ Aww! That’s so sweet! Who have though Georg could be sweet like that?

‘Don’t worry. I don’t have some obscure boyfriend back in England. And if I do, then I really wish I knew about him.’ I laughed, smiling we both headed back to the bedroom to sleep.


‘Come on you’ll have to get up we’re going to this meeting remember?’ I felt someone shaking my shoulders. It was Emi kneeling on the bed eyes wide staring at me. I groaned and slumped back under my covers not wanting to move.

‘Leave me alone… Can’t I stay here?’

‘No! get your ass up now! We need to go! We’ll be late.’ She took hold of my legs and dragged me off the bottom of the bed. I landed quite fiercely on my ass on the floor.

‘Fine! Fine, I’m here.’ Dragging myself up and headed for my wardrobe to get dressed. It’s too early in the morning to bother with my make-up and doing my hair all nice. I’ll just get dressed and brush my teeth, then possibly eat something down in the café. I grabbed my book, I decided me and Emi wouldn’t really be needed very much so I could get away with writing some more. Heading downstairs the boys were already sat around a table with drinks. I staggered over too tired for my own good and landed myself on a chair.

‘Woo… You look rough.’ Gustav said while shaking his head.

‘I am definitely going back to bed after this. Get me an orange juice someone will ya?’ I grumbled opening my book. I saw Bill give me an evil glare but I dismissed it like to have to so often recently. Florian the director came and sat with us straight backed his legs crossed pursing his lips together while looking as if he thought he was too good to be sat here with us.

‘So, you guys have any ideas about what you’d like in the video. I hear you’ve changed the single. What is it now?’

‘Ich Brech Aus. We brain stormed last night and had a good idea. We found this old factory just across the way and we thought that we could have this thing where we go in and the door sorta locks itself then there’s shadows so we start to run but we get split up.’

‘And there are split second clips of the girls.’ Gustav motioned to us. ‘Like parts of the faces but never all of there face at the same time.’

‘We also wanted to have little bits where it shows us playing but kind of floating in the air watching over them. We dunno if any of its possible but it’s be really nice to get it as close as we could.’ Bill finished up. Tom didn’t have to say word. They didn’t let him because they knew he’d come out with something about having have naked girls in it and this director didn’t look like the sorta guy you mess with.

‘Ok, so what happens at the end do you get out do you get caught what happens?’

‘Well we were thinking we could all crash into each other at the end then bash this door down after having near escapes.’

‘Is there a possible background story for it? Like why these girls are chasing you down? Or do you not want anything like that in it…?’

…But I can’t thinking he’s out there somewhere. Waiting, just wanting me to find him and tell him how I feel. Heading toward my lonely job as a waitress. Nothing could be worse than working the bar shift. Blokes staring down your top, chatting you up. You pretend to go along with it for the tips when really you loath their insides. Secretly wishing that perfect guy was there waiting for you as soon as you leave the building. But knowing he wouldn’t be…

‘That’s a great idea. Are you ok with that? Emily is that your name?’ They were all looking at me hopefully. Great I hear everything except the bit I’m involved in. typical.

‘With what?’

‘That we can have a few summer like scenes with you and Bill all the happy couple, maybe you can write or something. And then when you fall through the door it can be Bill waking up on the summers day with you.’

‘Umm, if it’s ok with him? I’m not too fussed by it.’ We all looked at Bill, at first he was hesitant, but then he quickly nodded in agreement.

‘Settled then, I want you to wear some nice bright summer clothes and then bring along some dark clothes you don’t mind getting a little ripped and dirty. Everyone else just come in whatever you want. We’ll start tomorrow morning.’
♠ ♠ ♠
Long time no update ah?
Sorry, been busy.

Hope it's ok. will start updating properly again next week because we're a week out of school...^^