The Pros and Cons of Growing Up

Part One

Eric’s POV

Frank, Gerard, and I left him this morning. It was raining—pouring-and the city of New York was under severe weather warnings. The weather fit my mood and I hadn’t wanted to leave him.

I just can’t believe it. We’ve now been driving all day and we’re in Canada, almost home. I can’t believe he’s gone… He’s rooming with Mikey’s daughter. She’s around our age and really pretty, really nice. I can’t even remember her name, though. Kate… Caitlin. I dunno, all I know is she was born right before Aiden was or something.

I twisted my wedding ring around my finger. I wasn’t going to cry, at least not in front of Frank and Gerard. I still had Asher, Brooke, and even Jesse will be in my school. I have to admit he’s nice, though anger fills me anytime I picture him and Aiden kissing.

“Are you okay?” Gerard, who was in the front passenger seat, asked after turning around.
I was behind Frank, my head rested against the window and staring at the cloudy sky overhead. I shrugged without looking away from a particularly dark cloud. ‘For every dark cloud is a silver lining.’ What good could come from Aiden leaving me and going off to college? I kept looking down at my cell phone, just waiting for Aiden to say, “Fooled ya! Come back and get me! Hahaha!” but I knew he wouldn’t.

It killed me, too.

“It won’t be too long until fall break.” Gerard said cheerfully.

“I’m… can I take the car later?” I tore my eyes from the sky and looked at my father in law.

“Sure.” He shrugged.

“Thanks.” I glanced at my phone again hoping I just hadn’t felt it vibrate or heard it ring. No such luck.
