I Joe Jonas Am in Love With The Band Geek

Chapter 10- I'll Bet You 5 Kisses

Tonight instead of going out Kevin decided that we hang out with everyone. He even said that he and Nick had a surprise. I kept thinking about what the surprise could have been. I was getting really nervous about it because I don’t like surprises. We decided to go putt-putting then to a movie. I was meeting up with Joe, Nick and Kevin at the putt-putt golf course in 15 minutes. I got up and I took a shower and got dressed in a pair of jeans, a paramour t-shirt and put my chucks on. I just let me hair air dry because there was no time. I grabbed my purse and drove to the course. I parked my car and got out of the car and walked to where the guys were standing, but they weren’t alone. There were two girls standing next to Nick and Kevin. Maybe that was their surprises?

"You're late Erika!" Kevin said with a smile
"Well I was fashionably late." I said while giggling.
"Oh Erika this is Cassie…my girlfriend" he said
"Oh, hi! I'm Erika" I said extending my hand out and shaking her hand.
"Erika, um this is Kayla…she is my girlfriend too." Nick said
"Hey I'm Erika" I said shaking her hand.

I knew what this meant. I didn’t like knowing that I had to hang out with Joe the rest of the time. Oh well, I better make the best of it. I was kinda mad at Kevin and Nick for making me spend the day with Joe. We made our way into the course and it was Kevin and Cassie as one team. Nick and Kayla were another team and sadly Joe and I were paired together. Joe and I were 3 holes behind everyone by now and he actually started talking to me.

"Erika I'm truly sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just didn’t want to lead you on then hurt your worse then I did." He said

"Well I don't forgive you fully but I will forgive you for looking out for my feelings." I said bending down to place my ball down to swing.

I tapped the ball and it went straight in.

"Yes!" Joe and I screamed and hugged.

It was kinda awkward so we looked at each other and I gulped. He opened his mouth to say something, but he leaned down and kissed me on the lips. It was so passionate but I had to tell myself that I wasn't going to fall into his trance. I pulled away and looked down.

"I love the way you look when you’re worried. Your face scrunches up and your nose is really cute when you do that." He said looking me in the eye. He then tried going down for another but I ran away.

"I'll bet you 5 kisses that you can’t make this hole in one shot." I said
"I'd say that is a bet Erika. Get ready to be puckering up to me." He said

He put the ball down and stood as he was concentrating on the ball and he hit it. It slowly made its way to the hole and it went in.

"Oh! Oh, what now? I'd like one of those kisses now." He said

Man I couldn't believe that he made it in. I was shocked in general, but sad to say I was to busy being shocked that I didn’t notice he pulled me close and kissed me on the lips and he pulled me closer. I felt a surge of electricity run thru my body and my knees get weak. I put my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist. He pulled me closer and he even lifted me up and spun me around. He finally put me down and he separated.

"Guys come on! That’s way too much information" Nick said

Joe and I looked at each other and he just taped me on my nose.

"Let's make our way up to them." He said

We ran up there and we finally finished our game. We then made our way to the movies where of course being the gentlemen they are bought the girls tickets. Joe was standing really close to me. Don’t get me wrong it didn’t bother me at all; I really liked it. He then put one arm around my waist and he brought me closer. I was just about as tall as Joe so I kinda knocked his head. I just blushed and he whispered something in my ear.

"I love when you blush. It's really cute how your eyes get really big and how you get red as a tomato." He said
"Thanks, but blushing is bad, more like embarrassing. Not something that I'd be proud of." I said blushing more.

He just laughed and he walked up and bought our tickets. We made our way inside, where we all were seeing different movies. Huh…isn’t that a quincidence? I kinda noticed that this day was meant to help Joe. So we all split up and went to our movies. We went and saw the re-run of E.T. since it was its 30 year anniversary. We sat in our seats and we were sitting there watching the previews before the movie. Joe and I both put our feet on the seats in front of ours and he "Yawned" and put his arm around me. I put my head in his little nook and we watched the previews.

"You know I haven’t gotten my other 4 kisses." Joe said leaning in close and trying to get just one kiss in.

"No, you have to wait till the movie starts." I said

The movie then started playing the movie trailers and me gave me an evil look. He then cupped his hands around my jaw line and kissed me full on the lips. We moved the arm in the middle diving he seats and scooted closer…lets just say that in the end I found my E.T.

Joe and the guys drove with me home but Joe followed me in.

"Mom, Steven I'm home with Joe" I said
"Were upstairs honey. Joe would you like to have some desert?" my mom asked.
"Yes ma'am." He said
"Erika it's in the refrigerator. Top shelf" she said

Joe and I ran to the kitchen and opened the door to see chocolate moose waiting for us.
We grabbed it out of the refrigerator and grabbed spoons. We made our way down to my basement to watch T.V. We shared the couch and just watched Boy Meet World re-runs.

"Mr. FEENY" we would yell together. It was truly one of my favorite shows and I knew it was Joe's favorite too.

We spent the rest of the night watching re-runs and falling asleep on the couch. I think im falling for Joe faster than I want to. What should I do?
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Ok so WOW ! today is my boyfriend and i's 3 year anniversary so i wanted a kissy scene so here it is! KEEP VOTING TO 10 STARS!!!! Is this story good? If it's not then i will not continue. comment please.

love you all
thanx for reading