I Joe Jonas Am in Love With The Band Geek

Chapter 11- I Wish Upon A Star

Fast Forward 1 week:

Today is the day the boys leave. Sad to say I'm going to truly miss them. I got attached even though I told myself not to. They are rock stars and I'm just a loser who loves band. I knew that today was going to be weird, but only because I knew that Joe liked me and he would just move on. Again I told myself I wasn't going to get attached but I did. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I'm working on that. It was a Friday morning and I had to be at school in an hour. I rushed to get dressed and get ready. Little did I remember that I had homework to do, so I had to do that. By the time I was done with all that I had 15 minutes till the 5 minute warning bell rang. I drove to school and arrived with 10 minutes till the bell. I sat down next to Summer and just rested my head on her shoulder. She knew what today was but she didn't say anything about it quite yet. We talked in our group and the bell rang. Amanda and I had class together so we walked to class. As we sat down she had to say something and the question I didn’t want to answer came out.

"So are you ready for today?" asked Amanda
"No, I'm sad but I wish that Joe wasn't leaving. I got attached" I said starting to cry
"Well maybe you guys will get together or something." Amanda said
"Amanda I'm not going to go out with a guy I've only known for a week. Can someone say a rebound?" I said
"Yeah you’re right about that I guess" she said

The bell rang and wonderful Mr. Paul walked in and started class with a review of organic compounds. This day is going to be very long.

FF to Lunch:

I sat with Amanda and the girls at lunch like usual and I wasn't eating very much. I think it was because I was nervous to see Joe again…well for the last time. I ate my sandwich in peace when someone taps me on the shoulder. I look at Meghan who is sitting across from me and she is smiling and looking at the person behind me. I slowly turn around to see Joe with pink daisies. I squeal and he just puts the flowers down and hugs me so tight. I never let go of him and he never let go of me. He finally pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

"Sorry I'm late. I was supposed to be here when you came in but Nick was driving" he said while rolling his eyes and wiping fake sweat off his forehead.
"Haha don’t make fun of him…he's only learning" I said
"I have something for you…well its not super special but I thought I would be something to remember me by" he said

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a necklace with a star on it.

"I got you this because before I met you I wished upon a star hoping I'd find someone who isn't fake…someone who is beautiful and proud of who she is… and that she would be proud of me." He said.
I took the necklace and looked at it. I thought it was so beautiful and I wish that I had a camera to see Joe's face when I took it out of his hand. He was looking at me like, what is she going to do with that? I paid good money for that.

I then dangled it threw my fingers and I looked Joe in the eyes.

"Will you put it on me?" I asked
"Yes, I'd love to." He said with a smile.

I turned around and pulled my shoulder blade length hair to the front of me. Joe's hands gracefully traced my collarbone and to the back of my neck. His hands were cold and that sent cold shivers down my back. He finally closed the clasp and he kissed me on the cheek. I gave him a hug and a tear escaped from my eyes.

"Why are you crying?" he asked
"Because… I'm going to miss you even more now." I said giggling between tear drops.
"Don't cry about that. We can talk still and you know now that you are in my life. Erika you cannot escapes me now. I've found you and there is no changing that." He said

I just smiled and he winked at me.

"I'll see you tonight then?" he asked
"Yeah, I'll try not to think about you till then." I said jokingly
"Ok, bye Erika" he said

He hugged me and slipped something in my back pocket and left. I waited till he left to see what he put there. I sat back down at the table and all the girls were giggling with me. I pulled out the paper and it was a drawling. I laughed because Joe can’t draw and he always told me that I was meant to be the artist not him. It was a picture of him and me…they were stick people btw…and he had our hands connected with him hugging me. I just laughed and tears of joy came out of my eyes knowing that I truly am going to miss Joe. I am proud to say that I am a Joe Jonas obsessed fan…and I think its more than a crush...
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Sorry the update is REALLY late. My boyfriend and i of 3 years broke up. i haven;t been in a romantic mood so im sorry for not writing sooner. Please forgive me. Trust me i cried reading this because my boyfriend gave me a necklace and wished upon a star about me too. Sorry again. Lets get my story up to 10 STARS!!! That would so make my day if someone left comments and stars! thanks guys! than for reading!