I Joe Jonas Am in Love With The Band Geek

Chapter 12- I Hate You Joe...No I Love You

Well tonight was the night where I would be seeing the boy I have a major crush on leave my sight. I really like him but I'm not ready for a relationship with him. I've only known him for about 2 weeks and I don’t want to be known as the rebound girl. I've seen my ex's have girls. Joe just got out of a relationship and I know that I wouldn't want to be that girl there to fill his spot.

I got home from school and my mom wasn't home. I saw a note on my bed saying that she is working late and has a meeting to go to. She'd be home late and said I should be in bed when she gets home. I swear my mom still treats me like I'm 5, but it's nice at times for my mom to be overprotective. I set my stuff down and started doing my homework at the dining room table. I was doing my homework for about and hour when my phone started vibrating.
I had a text message waiting for me.

[Hey I know you're doing homework but I'm outside your door]

I closed my phone and just smiled. I got up and ran to the door and opened it but Joe wasn't dressed like he usually was he was. He was wearing a collared shirt and black suit pants with a pea coat. It was starting to snow; well it was the end of November so I guess that was expected. He then looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"Why are you crying babe?" I asked him
"I never thought that I'd get attached to you in such a short period of time" he said looking at me

"Joe…" I said starting to cry too
"I got upset too and knowing that we bonded was the greatest experience I could have ever done with you. You made me feel good again and I haven't felt loved since my ex and I were together. Joe I'm going to miss you so much." I said

He just took me hands and he pulled me out into the snow and he let the flakes fall on our heads. He looked down at me and almost was reading my heart.

"Erika you don’t have to respond to this…actually don’t respond to this, I want it to be a surprise…Erika I love you." He said

I looked at him and he just smiled and wiped away a single tear that escaped my eyes. HE then leaned down and kissed me just this time it was a kiss that I've never experienced in my life. It was a kiss that said "Erika you're meant to be doing this at this moment in time." I just let another tear fall down my face in happiness. After Joe pulled away he smiled and I giggled.

"What are you giggling about?" he asked
"For the first time I knew that, at that very moment I was where I was supposed to be, doing what I'm supposed to be doing" I said

He looked at me and pulled a piece of hair back behind my ear; he then took my hair down out of my ponytail and ran his fingers through it.

"I love the smell of your hair…emmm…strawberries." He said leaning down and hugging me.
"Don't ever cut your hair both I love how soft and long it is. I love running my fingers through it." He said

I just laughed and said "Well can I cut my split ends?"
He just laughed and said "Yeah I want it nice and pretty"

"Let's go inside, I'm getting cold." I said

Joe and I walked in and we walked together and hung his coat up in the coat closet. He looked at me and said "Want to know why I came here by myself?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked
"So I could do this all I want." He said leaning down and kissing me again.

I smiled and just looked at him. He the winked and smiled. I walked over to the table hoping he would follow, which he did. I felt really bad because I was almost done with my homework when he texted me.

"Would you be mad if I finished my homework really fast?" I asked
"No, I actually want to see what you’re learning in school." He said
"Know anything about Chemistry and Chemical Balancing?" I asked
"Ok maybe I can't help you on that but I can watch you work." He said

I just giggled. I got out my last worksheet I had to do and I was doing chemical balancing. I was really good at it and I don’t know why I understand it because everything else I honestly can’t do. I was trying to balance the chemical equation:

2CO+H2O-> 3CO+HO

I was getting really tired of doing chemistry when Joe slid me a stick note on it. It was cute because it said:

JOE+ CRUSHON ERIKA->ERIKA LIVE JOE +ERIKA = This equation is balanced.
It was really cute. I made me smile knowing he was trying to help me through the last bit I had. I just smiled at him and kissed him. I finally finished and I got up and stretched.
I walked over to Joe and sat on his lap.

"Well Erika are you done with your homework? You know the rules young lady you must work before you play" he said
"Why of course daddy, I would never disobey you." I said kinda sexy
"No don’t do that to me; nope not going to work. That sexy voice thing is not going to make me want to make out with you" he said
"Well maybe this will" I said taking my shirt off to reveal a camisole underneath.
"Ok when and where?" he asked.

Joe and I made our way to the couch where he was on top and I was on bottom. He ran his hands up and down my sides. I slowly undid his shirt and untucked it. He was begging me to take my camisole off but I wasn't ready for that. He then pulled away.

"Too soon?" he asked
"Yeah kinda. I just don't want to get hurt again." I said
"No need to worry with me." He said

Wait! Hold the phone we aren't together and we are already making out. Erika just get up and say you have to go to the bathroom, and that I did. I got up and I excused myself. I splashed water on my face to calm myself down and I walked back out. Joe had his shirt back on and he handed me my shirt.

"Look I'm sorry I pressured you into it." Joe said
"No don't worry about it." I said
"Look I know were not together but I don't want to date someone while im on tour. That way I can have you waiting for me when I get back." He said
"Wait, you’re telling me that you dated Lindsay while you were on tour, but you wont date me?" I asked
"Yeah, basically." He said very cocky and with his hands in his pockets.

I slapped him across the face and just gave him a death glare.

"Get the hell out! I'm not going to be waiting for someone that is using me." I said slamming the door on his face.
I can’t believe that he would say that, so I'm just a pushover to him. I hate boys. I hate love….I hate Joe…no I don't…I love Joe.
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Sorry for the mean twist but i think im going to make it like 20 chapters and then a sequel. Thanks for reading! Get my story up to 10 STARS and i'll LOVE YOU ALL! haha thanx for reading again

Laura :D