I Joe Jonas Am in Love With The Band Geek

Chapter 14- Christmas Eve Part 1

FF to End of December:

There is officially one day until Christmas and I have no need to go shopping. I was so proud of myself for doing my shopping done early. I am the queen of procrastination and buying gifts. I bought Amanda a charm for our charm bracelets. We started it years ago and said for every year we have known each other we add a charm. For Summer I bought her a dress she has been eyeing for months in Forever 21 and some accessories. Meghan I bought her posters of Kevin….haha remember when she drooled over him? I asked Kevin to be her Christmas present. For Kevin I bought him more of his cologne and "The Guitar Hero Bible". When I saw it I knew that it was perfect. For Nick I bought him a dog tag that had a bible scripture on it and I bought him a new box of guitar picks. Joe was the hardest to get something for. I didn’t find anything that really said "Joe" so I made him a scrapbook of him and me. It took me almost a month to make but I had over 500 pictures of us so I had to do something with them.

I walked down from my room wrapping presents and I heard a knock on the door. I walked over to the door, down the stairs and opened the door. When I looked I saw the whole gang. I almost forgot that we were going to spend Christmas Eve together. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas were with them too. My mom and Steven were both at the door and greeted them also. Everyone walked in, but Joe was standing outside. I closed the door and walked to him.

"Hey, why are you still out here everyone is inside." I said
"Well I just wanted you here alone." He said

He leaned down and kissed me ever so softly. He held me tight and had his arms firmly around my body. I love the way he holds me and how he has a firm grasp upon my waist.

"I have something for you." He said
"No I want it tomorrow for Christmas." I said
"Fine, ok." He said

We walked back in the house and everyone was by the fireplace and Christmas tree. Nick, Summer and Amanda were all shaking the boxes. Meghan and Kevin were sitting on the couch…cuddling? I thought that Kevin had a girlfriend. Meghan was just flirting away and I thought it was cute. Summer has a crush on the new guy at school so I don't feel bad if she is left out.

"Let's sit on the floor by the fire place." Joe said
"Ok" I said crouching down

Once I sat down Joe then motioned for me to put me head on his shoulder. I felt him wrap his arm around me. I looked up at him and he just looked at me and winked. I snuggled closer in his chest where I heard his heart beat. As I listened I heard it skip a beat. Do I fake his heart skip a beat?
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I KNOW ITS REALLY REALLY REALLY short but i dont know what to do now. I cant think of how to continue it! HELP@@@ Writers block! Well its a filler! thanks for reading!!!!

Let's get it up to 10 STARS!!!!!!!