I Joe Jonas Am in Love With The Band Geek

Chapter 16- Cake Batter

FF to New Years Eve
Erika's POV:

Tonight Joe said that he was going to treat me to a day like a queen…umm I don’t know what he has in store but I'm really excited. I was sitting on my kitchen island eating cake batter…I know I can’t resist it either. You know you so would do it too if you had the opportunity. I was licking the spatula when it hit me! I shouldn't be eating cake batter when I should be getting ready. I was about to get up and get ready when the doorbell rang. I grabbed the bowl and spatula with me to the door. I didn’t think about looking before I answered and I had a spatula in my mouth when I saw Joe at the door.

"So cake batter?" he asked

My eyes got really big in embarrassment with chocolate falling down my mouth.

"Oh yeah, just…snacking?" I said kinda questioning myself
"Well I approve." He said sticking his finger in the cake batter and putting it on my nose.
"Hey!" I said giggling

He then came up to me and licked my nose. I just giggled like a kid. If felt fun again to laugh like I use to.

"That tickled." I said
"Well I say we split the cake batter and I'll tickle your nose more." He said
"We can split the batter just don’t lick my nose anymore." I said laughing.
"Deal" he said

He kissed me lightly and took the bowl out of my hands and set it in a chair. He put his hands around my waist and brings me closer.

"Yum, chocolate cake batter." He said smiling.

I just laughed and smiled.

"I cannot tell you how much I love your smile. I love how your teeth are perfectly white and straight, well mainly perfect…just like you." he said

I just smiled and looked away from him. He put his index finger under my chin and lifted it up.

"And Erika, your eyes are extraordinary. They sparkle every time I see you and I never want to look out of them." He said

Then I just blushed. I couldn't help myself. I felt like a kid in the candy store. He truly was one of the greatest boyfriends ever.

"So what brings you to my house so soon?" I asked
"Well I figure that I wanted to spend more time with you. Plus, I love your mom and soon to be step-dad so why not?" he said

My mom came down the stairs and she then saw Joe standing there.

"Oh Joe, come here I have something for you." My mom said
"Here." She said handing him a bag.

Joe opened the bag and removed the tissue paper. He then laughed ridiculously loud. I then peaked into the bag and it was full of fixings for chocolate moose.

"I know you guys love chocolate moose so I figured you guys could make it together when you're having you guys time." My mom said.

"Thanks mom." Joe said

Did Joe just call my mom, mom? Did I hear him right?

"Erika would you like to go watch TV?" Joe asked
"Sure, but on one condition." I said
"What's that?" he asked
"I get to paint your toe nails" I said
"No, I'm sorry no." he said giggling
"Fine" I said bending over to "Accidentally" pick up the bag
"Ok what color?" Joe said very fast
"How about lime green?" I asked
"Fine" he said dreading the next hour.

One Hour Later:

"They look cute Joe." I said
"Yeah that’s because they are lime green with pink polka dots on them" he said
"Well I'm going to go get dressed. Is it dressed up or casual?" I asked
"Umm dressed up. I'd love to see you in a dress" He said
"Ok a dress it is." I said heading up to take a shower.

Another Hour Later:

"ERIKA, WE NEED TO GO!" Joe yelled up the stairs.
"Coming" I yelled putting in the earrings he gave me for Christmas.

I came down in a navy blue strapless dress and a white sweater. I had my hair curled with decorative Bobbie pins in my hair. Joe was wearing navy suit pants, white shirt and navy tie. I've never seen Joe in a tie…it was really sexy! Hahaha ok moving on. We matched and it was really cute. I thought it was and I couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious place that Joe was taking me. I wonder where? Huh I guess we'll have to see.

"Joe where are we going?" I asked walking out of the house
"Oh were going to…"
♠ ♠ ♠
ok so i had a filler but get ready because next chapter is going to be action packed! school starts on tuesday so i might not update as often! haha i promise i will though.

Get this up to 10 stars!!!!!!!! 10 STARS=SEQUEL


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