I Joe Jonas Am in Love With The Band Geek

Chapter 18- Sweat Pants and Long Sleeve Shirts


Joe POV:

Why was my phone vibrating? I never gave my number out to anyone…important and all the important people are here. I looked at the phone and it was Taylor (Author's note: I know Joe is dating Taylor now but w/e just say they broke up…man I'm mean. I feel bad now! Haha ) I then opened my phone and answered my phone.

"Hey Joe"
"Taylor, why are you calling me?"
"Haha Joe you're so funny and sweet"
"What? Taylor where are you?"
"Why are you calling from there?"
"Joe Jonas you are seriously making me want you. Ditch your girlfriend for the night and come meet up with me."
"Taylor we need to talk. I'm coming into the bathroom."

With that I hung up. I saw Erika leave the bathroom but I didn't see where she went to. I then walked down the hall and into the bathroom. I turned around and locked it. There stood the girl that jerked my heart out of my chest and stabbed it. I feel like Davy Jones in this case you know…like how I your forever heartbroken…not the whole tentacles and emotional issues. Ok that was really random but I keep escaping my point in thoughts. Ok, well Taylor stood in front of me, walking towards me with that flirtatious walk that I loved and pressed her body against mine.

"So, Joe I heard you have a new girlfriend. She is a…a band geek I hear." She said laughing
"She's not a band geek…she is one of the greatest musicians I've known."
"Why would you say that? You've probably never heard her play have you?"
"Yes" Note to self ask her to play something for me next time I'm with her.
"Sure. Why don't you just come back with me and I can show you how a real musician treats you." She said then lingering her breathes on my lips.
"No, I love Erika. I can’t I'm really sorry Taylor but what we had was fun but now we are over and I've found an amazing girl. She isn't going to love me then treat me like shit. She LOVES me Taylor…she truly LOVES me!" I said

She then got off of me and let me go. She just started crying and with that I turned around, unlocked the door and ran out of the bathroom. Right now I was in search of Erika. I had to tell her how much I loved her. I was scanning the room when I was side swiped and pushed into the wall. It was Kevin and his mean look on his face.

"WHO WAS IN THE BATHROOM?" he asked very stern.
"Taylor, why?"
"Here pig!" he said handing me something.

When I saw what was in my hands I was confused. I saw Erika's necklace and her earrings. More I looked at them the more confused I got.

"Kevin why do I have these. These are Erika's and should be on her body."
"She's gone. She left and walked home. Joe we all know what you and Taylor were doing…don't break an innocent girl's heart Joe." He said walking away.

I then put the jewelry in my pocket and ran out of he party. I didn't care if we were going to perform any time soon because it wouldn't matter. If Erika wasn't there then it didn't matter. I flew out of the elevator and ran into the lobby. I found her cute white sandal. Her one shoe that wanted to find its mate. Was this really going to end up like a Cinderella story? I really hope so. I started crying knowing that I might screw this up but I didn’t care I just ran. I then ran out of the building and started running. I knew that I screwed up…I think but Erika shouldn't have assumed that about me. She knows she is the world to me. I don't understand how she could just not believe me like that. All I know is that I need her back and I wasn't going to give up on her…ever. Even if she were to get married…I'd make sure she ha an affair with me. Ok laugh because I thought it would work. I ran all the way to her house without stopping. I kept telling myself that I am not giving up Erika and walking will take longer for me to get her back.
I finally got to her house. It was dark and her light to her room was on. I could see her mom and Steven weren't home so I knocked on the door. I hid down from the peak hole so that she couldn't see who was out there. She came down and answered the door.

"Hello? Is anyone out there?" she said
"I'm right here" I said standing up in front of her.

She looked my straight in the eyes and a tear ran down her face. I told myself that I was never going to hurt her and look at her now; crying her eyes out about my stupidity. I then put my arms around her waist and led her back in the house. Since it was winter and all it was kinda cold, worse yet it was New Years Eve. I saw that she took her dress off and was changed into sweatpants and a long sleeve t-shirt with her cute cow slippers I adored so much. Her hair was in a high ponytail wit piece of her hair falling out. She had her make-up off showing her true beauty I loved so much. I shut the door and she was still staring at me. I saw a tear escape her eye the same moment a tear escaped mine. I wanted to kiss her and make things better again. No matter what I did to her she was still sweet as can be.

"Joe I want to know why." She said
"We didn’t do anything. Erika I promise you that. Please believe me." I begged
"Well I don't. Joe I love you and I don't know if I can trust you anymore." She just sniffled
"Erika you should be able to trust me…" I then started balling
"Erika I would never hurt you purposefully. I love you so much I'm willing to go to city hall right now and marry you. Erika you are my life and you are my soul mate. Please don't do this to me." I begged
"Joe how do I know you don't love her still?" she asked
"You don't know, you just have to trust me."
"I'm sorry Joe I can't trust you." She said walking into her kitchen.

She then handed me a note.

"I wrote this but don't read it until you are away from my house ok?" she said
"Ok, I promise."
"Would you like a cup of coffee?" she asked
"Yeah, I'd like that"

She stared the machine and sat on the counter top next to it. I loved it when she was herself, without make-up and in her baggy clothes she wore on weekends. She just sat there staring at the floors, but I couldn't help but stare at her. The structure of her face was beautiful, her skin was soft, her hair was smooth and silky and she didn't have the typical girl body. She had curves that didn’t make her look fat…more like a woman. The more I looked at her the more I noticed that she wasn't a girl anymore…she was a woman ready to break free from pain and into the real world. My mind was going crazy about her and all I could think about was kissing her. I got up from my seat at the kitchen island chair and walked over to her. She was still staring at the floor when I stood in front of her. I put my finger under her chin and brought her face up. I didn’t know she was crying but I could tell now because her eyes were a lot redder then when I last saw them. I stroked her cheek and kissed her. I felt a tear fall down both her and my cheeks; I could feel her tear fall into mine. She then out her hands behind my neck and scooted closer. I really hope that she wants to stay with me. I love her so much kissing her right now is making my day. I love everything about her. I want the rest of my life with her. She then bit my lower lip. Man. She is just about killing me. I brought her closer to me and then kissed her, letting our tongues explore each others mouths. After a couple of minutes I let go and looked at her.

"So do you forgive me?" she asked
"Baby, I forgive you for everything. I love you." I said
"I love you more Joe." She said letting a tear fall.
"Will you accept my jewelry back?" I asked
"The necklace I will but the earrings you have to earn back." She said

With that the coffee pot dinged and she leaned on top of me to get the cups. Her body was so close I had to resist the temptation to break my promise right then and there. She put them next to her on the counter and poured the coffee in them. She added crème and sugar to both of ours. She took a sip and just smiled. There she goes again showing her winning smile that rocked my world. I just pecked her and we rubbed our noses together like penguins. Wow did I just say that? Well penguins do rub their noses together right? Note to self: Watch happy feet to remember if penguins rub noses.

"Oh it's almost 11:00. Lets watch the ball drop on TV." Erika said
Sliding down the side of corner, and down in front of me. By that time I was really hard and I wanted to stop myself from showing it, but that was too late.

"Oh, Joe. Are we a little excited?" she said rubbing herself against me.

Ok I think I'm dead. I seriously cannot hold it in anymore. All I want to do is to share my promise with her.

"Ummm, no it's just cold in here." I said trying to cover myself without sounding stupid
"Sure Mr. Jonas." She said walking off with her mug and walking to the basement. She sat on the couch and set her cup on the side table. I sat down next to her but with a smile on my face.

"What are you so happy about?" she asked
"Nothing." I said leaning in and kissing her again.
"Are you spending the night?" she asked
"I can if you want me to." I said

She just pointed to the guest room which had some of my clothes I had left over here from many times I've slept over when her mom and Steven weren't home. I grabbed some clothes from my drawer…yes I have a drawer I'm here that often and made my way into the bathroom. I have to get myself calm. She is just a girl…who is amazingly beautiful and I'm starting to get sexually attracted to. Joe! STOP JUST SHUT UP! Ok I think I'm calm enough to go out there. I changed into sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt too. Scary enough when I came out I realized we were wearing the same thing. Black sweat pants with a white long sleeve shirt that had the Ohio State University logo across the front.
I sat down and I put my arm around her. She then nuzzled into my nook between my shoulder and my neck. She then kissed my neck in my sweet spot. Why is she doing this? I just got myself calmed down now I have to do it again. Man, this girl drives me crazy! She then kissed harder and that was what did it with me. I had to do something about this. I accidentally moaned a little. She stopped and giggled a little.

"Joe Jonas…did you just moan?" she asked really sexy
"Umm, n-n-no. W-w-why would I-I-I?" I finally got out with my stutter.
"Because I know that you have a sweet spot you can't resist." She said even sexier

She just smiled and I leaned down and started kissing her jaw line. I then worked my way down her neck to her sweet spot. She instantly tensed up and got goose bumps. I then took my hand and ran it up her shirt. She then gasped at the chill of my hands. I threw her shirt off of her, which she then pulled my shirt off. We were making out in bare chests. Haha wasn't that funny. I grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch and put in on top of us. She then sat up again and I just kept on kissing her. I didn't notice she was trying to tell me something.

"Joe I don’t want you to break your promise, so as much as I hate to say this but we need to stop." She said reaching for her shirt.
She knew it and I knew it too. I know that I would not forgive myself for it either.

An hour later:

"5,4,3,2,1! Happy New Year" the TV screamed from time square.

"Happy New Year Erika" I said kissing her.
"Happy New Year Joe" she said kissing me.

We held the kiss and she just smiled.

"What?" I asked
"Nothing…I love you Joe"
"I love you too Erika"
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Thanks for all the AMAZING COMMENTS!!!!!!! I love you all! haha well 2 more chapters :( then if i get 10 Stars= SEQUEL!!! even if not there will still be a sequel if you all want!

Message and Comment me for sequel.