I Joe Jonas Am in Love With The Band Geek

Chapter 2- Is that The Jonas Brothers?

I woke up and I noticed that today was Friday and you know what that meant. That meant for the first time in my life I have never been so excited to go to school. I got dressed wearing my marching band t-shirt and a pair of cotton shorts. I put sandals on and placed my tennis shoes by the door so I could bring them to practice. I went to brush my teeth and my hair and I made my way down to the kitchen. My mom was waiting to feed me. She had the day off so that means that my mom would most likely not come to the prep rally. My mom is the Principal at my school. I know talk about having that suck. I ate my omelet she made me, grabbed my back pack and drove to school. I made it just in time, 7:00. School started at 7:30 and I had a half hour to hang out with my best friends. I made my way to the lobby where everyone was sitting. My best friends Summer, Meghan, and Amanda were all sitting there waiting for me.
I sat down next to Meghan and said "Hey you ready for the pep-rally?" I asked
"Yes, Look Erika but you need to chill about the drill! It's just our peers. We are going to do fine and like they would know if we messed up!" she said.
I was worried about our drill and I was afraid that we were not ready at all. Oh well like she said like they would know we had messed up. The 4 of us laughed and socialized for about another 10 minutes, then I looked over and saw three new kids. I swore they looked like the Jonas Brothers. I looked at Amanda and we squealed and just acted like we were laughing about something. All the sudden we saw out of the corner of our eyes we saw the boys that looked like the Jonas Brothers walk our way. Amanda and I looked at each other and we were mentally freaking out. One if the figures went and tapped me on the shoulder. I turned and it WAS Joe Jonas.
"Hi, umm can you please tall me which direction the gym is?" he asked
"Actually it's a little tricky and it's on my way t class so I'll take you to it." I said bending down, grabbing my stuff and looked at my friends and said
"Guys, I'll see you at the prep-rally this afternoon. Don’t forget your music; we are rehearsing before we go on." I said
"Yes, Erika! We will bring our music!" all 3 of them said.
I walked with the boys down the long hallway.
"SO are you like a drill sergeant or something?" asked Nick.
"No just the Drum Major of our marching band!" I said.
"I'm the person who stands on the podium and conducts, and yes you do get an arm work out, trust me on that one!" I said giggling.
"So you are really important I'm assuming." Kevin said.
"Yes, I am and without me the band could not stay together." I said.
"What's your name? Miss Drum Major?" Joe asked.
"Erika. I'm a Junior and I'm an active member in just about everything!" I said
"So you’re the All American girl right?" Joe asked
"No, not at all. I'm nowhere close but with schooling I have to be! Trust me outside of school I'm the biggest dork ever!" I said as I tripped over my own feet and fell to the ground.
"Are you ok?" all three of them asked. "Did I mention i'm a klutz?" I said. The boys laughed and helped me up.
"Sorry, I fall everyday whether it is someone knocking me over or if it is me falling!" I said. We made it to the gym and I said
"well sorry but the ride ends here!" I said pointing to the gym.
"Thanks and im guessing we'll see you at lunch?" Kevin asked
"OMG, you guys are here for lunch too?" I asked. "Yeah, can we sit with you?" asked Nick.
"Yeah I have B Lunch everyday and I sit in the back tables near the windows. You'll see me there. I cant stand the thought of buying school lunch." I said
"Ok we'll see you at lunch then Erika" Joe said.
The boys made their way into the gym and I went to AP Chemistry with a smile on my face. And maybe a little bit of nerve to scream too.