I Joe Jonas Am in Love With The Band Geek

Chapter 3- Lunch with the Jonas

As I sat in AP Chemistry I watched the clock tick away. We were learning about Moles and Avogadro's number…honestly I could care less. I was glad the bell rang and Mr. Paul never finished his lecture. I bolted out the door and I wished that my next class…English. After class started within 20 minutes of class I was almost sleeping. We were reading Julius Caesar and I was on my last string. I look over and there is Joe at the Window threw the door. He was motioning for me to come out into the hallway.
So I raised my hand and said "Miss. Johnson can I go to the bathroom?" I asked.
She signed my planner pass and I was out in the hallway.
Joe then looked at me and said "WOW you actually sit threw that mess?" he said
"No I sleep threw it!" I said.
He laughed and said "So do you really have to go to the bathroom?" he asked
"Yeah I kinda do. But I can't talk for long because then my teacher will start looking for me." I said he looked sad and said
"We're all bored and they told me to look for you." He said
"Well I'm in class so I'll see you guys at lunch. Plus you all have…10 minutes of class left." I said
"Oh…ok" he said. I went into the bathroom and did my business and took about 10 minutes in the mirror. I looked myself about and fluffed my hair and made my way out. Joe was waiting outside of the bathroom, he then looked at me and said
"Did you do something with your hair?" he asked. In my head I was saying
"Is it that bad?" but I then said
"No, I just ran my fingers threw it." I said. He smiled and I stopped before the door to say goodbye.
"Well I'll see you guys in 10 minute!" I said.
He walked off and I went into the class. In no time the bell rang and I made my way down to the cafeteria. I saw Amanda sitting there when I made it there and I sat down with my lunch. Amanda and I started talking and I suddenly hear a roar of screams and I notice who just walked into the cafeteria. I then ran to Joe.
I pushed threw the crowd and I said "Joe take my hand!" he grabbed my hand and the boys followed his action and I pulled them out of the crowd. He let go and we all walked back to the table. By then Summer and Meghan made their way to the table. Meghan was just drooling because Kevin sat down next to her and she strangely started smelling her.
"Meghan, MEGHAN! Stop smelling Kevin" I said in a whisper.
"Oh" she said.
He didn’t notice so she was ok. Amanda was sitting next to Nick and I was between Nick and Joe then Kevin, Meghan was all sitting on the other side. We ate lunch and once in a while I could feel Nick touching my leg. I didn’t mind it you since its umm NICK JONAS!! Whatever, I just started ignoring it.
I then looked at the guys and said "How about a little sugary treat?" I asked.
"Ok." Kevin said. I grabbed a 5 dollar bill and went to the lunch line. I bought everyone ice cream sandwiches.
I came out and I had 7 in my hand and man they were cold. I passed them out and I gave Joe's last.
He then said " Erika, please I would love to have the ice cream….Erika you are killing me here! I want that ice cream!" he said
"Ok!" I said and gave it too him.
The bell rang after another 10 minutes and we made our way to class. Before I left Joe gave me a hug and Nick gave me a slip of paper…with his cell phone number?
"You can text me during class if you want." He said
"I will! Promise!" I said. I walked to my next class…anatomy. Well today was video day so I could text Nick without being noticed. After the bell rang I sat down and waited till Mrs. Jefferson started class. I then pilled out the paper out and my cell and texted Nick.
E: "hey, anatomy is SO boring!"
N: "I so agree on the boring part. How are you?"
E: " im good just learning about the bladder and spleen in a video…eww tmi!!"
N: "haha. That does sound like tmi!"
E; "what are you doing right now?"
N: "im just sitting on our stage waiting for the pep-rally to start"
E: "Well that isn’t for another hour. Haha"
N: "yeah I know! You get out of class early since your in the band right?"
E: "yeah. Do you want me to get out earlier? I can."
N: " Please? We're really bored here."
E: "Ok I can get out in about 10 minutes. How about that?"
N: "AWESOME, let me tell the guys"
There was a long wait……
N: "Joe and Kevin say if you come then, that they will love you forever!"
E: "ok I'll see you in a bit"

And with that I closed my phone happy that my day-dream with Kim in it hasn't come true yet. I kept my big grin on till I had to leave and I skipped to the gym to see my 3 new friends.