I Joe Jonas Am in Love With The Band Geek

Chapter 5- The Red Dress

I finally got home and greeted my mom. "Hey mom I'm home" I said as I passed her in the living room.
"How was the pep-rally?" she asked
"Good and we had a good time and I got to meet the Jonas Brothers" I said.
"Wow a lot happened to you today! Go upstairs and change into something nice. Steven is taking us out and he wants to treat us to a nice dinner." She said.
Steven is my mom's new boyfriend and I honestly like him the most out of all the losers my mom has dated.
"Ok let me shower then I'll get dressed." I said.

I showered and got dressed into a red a-line dress with spaghetti straps. I curled my hair and applied my basic make up and put my red pumps on. I went down stairs to see my mom already dressed.

I looked at her and said "When is Steven due here?" I asked.
"Any minute" my mom said.

I remembered that Joe said he might text me so I ran upstairs and grabbed my cell. I grabbed a black clutch to stick it in. I had my lip gloss, cell, what little money I had and I had the slip of paper Joe gave me with his number on it. I checked my phone before I put it away, and I had a text message. It was from a person I didn’t know.

Well it said: "Hey it's Joe. We're going out to dinner tonight, wanna come?" I sat there and I was kicking myself for Steven planning tonight of all nights to go out.
I knew I couldn't get out of it so I texted Joe back and said "Hey, I'm sorry I can't go. My mom's bf is taking us out to dinner. & I can't get out of it" I felt mega bad hitting the send button but I knew my mom wouldn't let me go.

"Erika, Steven is here and waiting. Time to go" my mom said at the bottom of the stairs.
"Ok, I'm coming." I said.
I grabbed my clutch and made my way down the stairs.
"Hey Steven!" I said, then hugging him.
"Hey Erika. I've got a night planned for both my girls." He said
"Oh wow!" came out of both my mom and I's mouth.
WE got in the car and went to dinner. We went to this restaurant named Rio Grande. It is a Mexican restaurant that is really small and is mainly for couples only. We were seated and I was handed a menu and everyone was deciding on what to order, when I got a text message.

Of course it was from Joe and it said "I see you! You're in a red dress, and you were looking at your menu."
I just laughed and I texted him back and said "where are you?" he then texted back
"Look behind you" I then turn around and Joe's back is to me and he and his family are sitting on the table behind me.
I then say "Mom, Steven please excuse me…I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM" I said making it loud enough for Joe to hear.
"Sure, honey what do you want to eat if the waiter comes?" my mom asked
"Um…my usual" I said and got up and made my way to the bathroom.
Within a minute I saw Joe come up to me and say "hey".
He hugged me really tight and said "Are you ok? Did you make it home safely from school? Well I guess you did since you're here." He said I just giggled and said
"Yes I'm ok. And yes I made it home ok" I said with a smile from ear to ear.
He then said "I'm glad you're ok. It just killed me what she said and you know I think being a virgin is awesome. And even if you weren't I wouldn't look at you any different." He said.

A small single tear fell from my eye and said "Thanks so much Joe. You have no idea how nice it is to have someone who finally accepts me as I am. Band geek and all, but you don’t even think that’s weird you love it." I said starting to laugh.
"Well you accepted me for not just a rock star but the inner person that only my brothers see." He said laughing a little.
He then hugged me and whispered "You smell so good."
"Thanks" I said pulling away.
"Oh you heard that?" he asked
"yeah! Did you not want me to hear that?" I asked
"No not really. But you DO smell good." He said.
"Well thank you anyways but I have to go to the bathroom and I have to return to the table" I said.
He looked kinda sad but I kissed him on the cheek and said "Does that help?" he nodded and kissed me on the cheek too.

I did my business and then returned to the table. My food was waiting for me and I was hungry. My mom and Steven had already started eating and I felt like I had to catch up. We finished a little after and then desert time came around. Steven ordered apple pie with vanilla ice cream for all of us.

We finished eating desert when all the sudden Steven said "Natalie (that’s my mom's name) we have been together for over 3 years and I was wondering…" by then he was getting down on one knee, I covered my mouth with my hands and I squealed.
"Natalie will you marry me?"
by then he had a 2 carrot diamond ring and had it in his hand.
I started crying and my mom looked at me and I shook me head yes and she then said "Steven I will marry you." She said.
Everyone in the restaurant started clapping and cheering too.
"Natalie will you join me in this dance?" he asked.
"Yes!" my mom said.
They got up and went to the dance floor. I finished eating my apple pie when I feel a tap on my shoulder and I looked over and it was Joe.
"Can I have this dance?" he asked
"Yes you may." I said.
Joe and I laced fingers and we walked to the dance floor. He then put one of his hands around my waist and then the other still in my hand. Joe then pulled me closer after a couple of minutes of dancing.

He then said "Erika you look beautiful tonight" I blushed and smiled.
Then I said "Well I've never seen Joe Jonas in a suit and you defiantly look handsome tonight." I said.
He just laughed and said "You're such a little jokester you." He said.
He then put both hands on my waist this time.
I just laughed and said "Well I'm just full of jokes. You haven't seen anything yet!" he just laughed and said "Nick, Kevin and I are going to go to the pier after this and ride some coasters would you like to go?" he asked.
"I'd love to! Well you have to ask my mom and soon to be step-dad" I said
"Ok" he said.
We introduced each other and he asked my mom.
"Erika go ahead! Steven and I are going to have a night to ourselves so if you want to spend the night with the boys you can if you want. I'm sure you don’t want to see old people kissing so go have fun while you can." She said.
"Thanks so much mom." I said.
Joe grabbed my hand and we ran off the dance floor and we got nick and Kevin and left. We arrived at my house, and the boys came in. They sat down on the couch while I went and grabbed my stuff. Joe yelled from the bottom of the stairs

"Don't change from your dress. We don’t want to look abnormal" he said
"Can I wear my sandals?" I asked walking to the bridge in front of my room by the stairs.
He then said "Sure whatever makes you happy!" he said with a big smile.

I grabbed my old soccer bag and packed a pair of shorts with a t-shirt and my chucks. I grabbed a fresh pair of underwear and bra and grabbed my toiletries. I even packed a stuff animal I've had since I was little. He was a cow and his name was Beebe. I put him in my bad and I grabbed an extra outfit if I needed it and my pj's. Within minutes I was down stairs and we were heading to the pier.
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Keep Reading! A Banner Would Rock! Thanx for reading!