I Joe Jonas Am in Love With The Band Geek

Chapter 6- Im kinda scared of Ferris Wheels

We arrived at the pier and we all were talking about what to ride first. "I want to ride all 3 of the roller coasters." Nick said "Well I want to ride the Ferris wheel because I haven't rode on in a long time" Joe said. "I say we skip on the pier" I said "Ok ready" Joe said we all laced hands and I said "Go!" we skipped on the pier and we stopped in front of the swings. We stood in line and it wasn't till I noticed that if I get on my dress will fly up. "Um Joe." I said "Yeah?" he asked "Um I noticed that if I ride this I remembered that my dress is going to fly up" I said "Oh ok stay here in line and I'll be right back. I can fix that!" he said. He ran back to the car and when he cm back he had a pair of his shorts. "Here, put them on under your dress that way you won't feel that embarrassed." He said "Thank you!" I said. I instantly threw the shorts on and fixed my dress. They then let us on the ride and we all sat near each other. "Thanks for inviting me guys!" I said turning around to Joe and Kevin. Nick sat next to me so I got to talk to him more. There was a while before the ride started because there weren't enough people to start it so I started talking to Nick. "So Nick tell me one thing you can't stand about your brothers?" I asked. "Well I think that Joe is a little to hyper and he always seems to pick his nose after concerts" he said. I just started laughing and he said "Nick I SO don’t pick my nose." He said "Sure and Kevin he sometimes goes and will stick his feet out of his bunk and his feet smell like corn chips" he said. By then I was crying I was laughing so hard. "Nick my feet don’t smell like corn chips" Kevin said "Yeah they do" Joe and Nick said. I just laughed with them and we watched Kevin turn red. Joe started kicking my seat forward and I turned around and said "Are you trying to kick me out of my seat Joe?" he just sat there and said "Kevin stop kicking Erika's seat!" I just turned around and waited for the ride to start. I then started kicking off the person in front of me and I jammed right back into Joe but he grabbed me seat and said "I'm not that stupid" I just made a puppy dog face and he let me go.

FF to Ferris Wheel:
We were standing in line at the Ferris Wheel and needless to say that I'm terrified of heights. Well Ferris Wheels to actually be exact. The seats only held two people so Nick and Kevin would have to sit with each other. It wasn't till the Ferris Wheel operator hooked us in that I got nervous. Joe put his arm around me and the ride started. It stopped within a couple seconds to let Nick and Kevin on and I said "Joe I have to admit something". He looked at me really strange. "What is it?" he asked "I'm terrified of Ferris Wheels!" I said. He just laughed and then grabbed my shoulders and brought me closer. He then said "It's ok. I'm here and I'm not going to let you fall or get scared." I then felt a little more confident. The ride started again and I tensed up and Joe just smiled. I then looked at Joe and he looked at me and I kissed him on the cheek. We got around once and I shouted to Kevin "Hey Kevin does it smell like corn chips down there?" he then turned around and said "Haha very funny Erika. Just wait till me get off this ride then you'll pay for that!" he said. I just giggled. "I love your giggles" Joe said. I just smiled at him a giggled some more.

Joe's POV:
She is so pretty but how do I explain to her that I have a girlfriend? The sad part is I can't tell her because she will hate me for it. Maybe murder me, but I feel bad for keeping it from her. All I know is there is going to be a Jonas Brothers meeting tonight.
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Hey guys! thanx for reading but can someone make a banner for this story? I trust that person's judgement about a picture of him. any picture is hot of him so yeah! lol thanx for reading and the next chapter should be up VERY soon. maybe tonight :D