I Joe Jonas Am in Love With The Band Geek

Chapter 8- Acne Cream

Erika's POV:

I woke up next to something that was really warm and it wasn't till I opened my eyes to notice Nick looking down at me. I was startled and I first thought I was seeing things but it wasn't till I heard him say something.

"Sleep well?" he asked
"Umm, yeah. What happened last night? Was that a dream or was that real?" I asked.
"No that was real and long story short you found out about Lindsay." He said
"Oh, yes now I sadly remember that." I said
"Well, Kevin and I stuck up for you. We didn’t want anyone to get hurt because of his stupid choices." Nick said
"Thanks for doing that. I've been in some bad relationships and that’s what I need to a warning and I wake up call sometimes." I said
"Joe isn't a bad person it's just he can't chose between you and Lindsay." He said
"Well right now there isn't me in his choices." I said

I got up out of his bed and made my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I was starting to put the mask on when Kevin came in.

"Whoa! What is that on your face?" he asked while laughing
"It's an acne mask thank you! It keeps my face clear and blotches free." I said
"Well that style works for you!" Kevin said
"Fine I think you should try it. If it doesn't make your skin softer than I won't say anything the next time you make fun if me. Deal?" I asked
"Deal, but I'm putting it on!" he said
"Good because your face is too complex for me." I said laughing.

Kevin took the tube and put some cream in his hands. He started rubbing it smoothly and he had the biggest smirk on his face. I honestly didn’t know and I didn’t really want to know either. He finally got the cream spread all over is face and he then washed his hands off and looked at me.

"I say we go scare Joe and Nick," he said
"Oh, that would be great." I said

We made our way down the hall to Nick's room. I kept on giggling and Kevin went and put his hand over my mouth. His hands smelt like strawberries just like the cream. I then nodded tat I was done laughing. We stood together in front of the door and flung the door open.

"AHHHHH" Nick screamed.

Kevin and I high-fived and said "YES!" Nick was looking at our faces.

"What is on your faces?" he asked
"It's acne cream duh!" Kevin said pointing to his face with a look saying Duh!
"Oh ok so who's plan was this?" he asked
"Actually it was Kevin's" I said
"Well that’s ok now if it was you we'd have a problem then." He said
"Well it was Erika's idea then" Kevin said
"Thanks Kevin" I said
"Were going to go scare Joe" Kevin said
"Ok let go put some on real quick then I'll come." He said

Kevin and I went into Nick's room and waited. Nick then came in.

"Let's go" he said

I was first in line then Kevin and Nick trailing along. I then counted on my fingers…1, 2, and 3!

I flung the door open and Joe was standing there and he just screamed.


I just laughed and said

"Joe it's us. It me Kevin and Nick." I said

"Oh I knew that" he said

He looked at me with a smile and he then just got up and rubbed a finger on my face and got cream on his finger.

"Acne cream?" he asked
"Yeah. It keeps my face nice and soft." I said

I then went to the bathroom and started washing my face off. I saw Joe come in and he shut the door. I looked at him with a confused face. I wondered why he shut the door.
He then locked it and came over to me and kissed me full on the lips. He put his hands around my waist and I put my hands around his neck. I then realized he was still with Lindsay. I wouldn’t like my boyfriend cheating on me and I'd like to know about it too. I then jerked away and slapped him across the face.

"Ow! What was that for?" he asked rubbing his cheek.
"Yeah but I couldn't help it." He said

I grabbed my stuff and went to Nick's room and locked the door. I got dressed and I put my make up on. Let's just say I looked hotter than usual. I came out in a pair of skinny jeans and a baby doll shirt and in heels. I walked down the stairs with my stuff and set it down by the door. I walked into the kitchen and Kevin and Nick were there washing dishes.

"Whoa! Erika you look…." Nick said "HOT!" Kevin said finishing his sentence. "Thanks, so what's for breakfast?" I asked

Kevin and Nick were still staring at me in shock that I could clean up and look like I guess hot to them. Little did they know that was my plan? I was trying to get them to respond but Joe walked into the room wearing just a pair of jeans and polo.

"Whoa! Um Erika you need to like…change." Joe said while checking me out
"NO SHE DOSEN'T" Both Nick and Kevin screamed.
"Haha thanks guys but what's for breakfast? My mom will be expecting me home soon." I said
"Oh well we were thinking we'd go out to breakfast." Nick said
"Awesome. Where are we going?" I asked
"Um let's go to that breakfast diner down the road." Kevin said
"Yes! Homemade food. Sorry since Steven moved in its all stuff from the box" I said while sticking a finger in my throat making a gag noise.

FF to Diner:

"So what are you going to get?" Kevin asked Joe
"Um I honestly don’t know yet. There is so much to choose from. What are you getting Erika?" he asked
"Nick what are you getting?" I asked ignoring him.
"Hey, you said you would at least talk to me." Joe said.
"Fine, but I'm not going to act like there is nothing wrong." I said
"That’s ok" he said

We stared at our menus and out waitress came and took our drink orders.
I go water considering how many calories i'm probably about to eat I would be a little more healthy to get water. Everyone I think thought that same thing and they order water too.

"So Erika since you're single and all would you like to go on a date with me?" asked Kevin

Joe looked at him like he was going to kill him then he looked at me. I had a smirk on my face and I said "Kevin since I am single I'd LOVE to go on date with you."

Joe gave Kevin this death glare and I said "Joe can you trade spots with Kevin so I can sit next to me?"

Joe sat next to me with Nick across from me and Kevin next to him. Joe gave me the same death glare he gave Kevin. They got up and traded spots. Now it's time for some pay back. Operation Make Joe Jealous: ACTIVATED!
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Thanks for reading another one of my no life stories! Thanks for the comments and just think the more you comment the more you get updates. Also im going to give Kevin and Nick girlfriends soon. So if you would like to be either one's girlfriends then message me or comment me! Tell me your name age and describe yourself. If you all have any suggestions on this story or ideas/plots/climaxs/more english words for problems i dont know...lol :D
then just comment me and i'll definattly look into them.

Again thanx for reading

Laura :D