You've Got Alot of Nerve

You've Got Alot of Nerve

"Hell no"
“Get in the car. Now" Lia said, a bit frustrated, and patted on the car seat next to her.
I looked out at my surroundings. Fuck it, I couldn't stay here. I frowned and gave in, getting into the backseat of Jake's car.
"Move your seat forward" I demanded Josh as he sat shotgun, with his seat pressing against my knees.
"It ain't my problem" He shrugged his shoulders and leant back in the seat, totally ignoring what I just said.
1 minute and he was already acting like an ass. What a suprise.
"Move your fucking seat!" I shrieked, making everybody in the car jump by surprise.
His brown eyes met mine in the rear-window, his eyebrow piercing casting reflections from the sun. He rolled his eyes and gave out a sigh, and finally moved his seat forward so my legs got room.
"Thanks" I mumbled under my breath, putting on my seat belt "Asshole"
"I heard that" Josh said out loud.
"Good" I stated and pulled out my iPod "If you excuse me I'll listen to my iPod and pretend that I wasn't here, in this nightmare"
In the corner of my eyes I saw Lia let out a sigh, looking at me with sorry eyes.
I ignored her and closed my eyes, leaning back in the seat.
I didn’t even know why the moron Josh was there with us. Heck, Lia never told me he was coming. She knew I despised him. Everybody did.

My eyelids flickered open slowy, my eyes not grasping anything. Everything was so dark around me. I yawned and tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes. No luck.
"Tired?" I heard Lia's soft voice beside me.
"Yeah" I said when my stomach growled "When are we going to eat?"
"We already ate" Jake said in a isn’t-that-obvious-tone and gave me a quick glance, not wanting to drive down a ditch.
"You already ate? Why didn't you tell me?!"
"Josh did!" Lia laughed "But he said that you said that you wanted to sleep"
I opened my mouth in shock "He did not ask me anything! Why do you even believe him?!"
Lia cocked her dark eyebrows "Chill, Guin"
I clenched my fists and counted in my head, trying to get clam.
Lia chuckled "Whatever, we're at a motel now where there probably is some kind of food. We're staying here for the night"
I looked out of the window as Jake drove into a parkinglot. The motel looked awful. It even had a sleazy name, The Sunrise Hotel.
"And I guess I'm staying with Josh?" I muttered and got out of the car.
"You're staying with me" Lia smiled and linked her arm with mine.
I thanked God in silence and the four of us walked into the reception.

I flicked of the TV and fell back down on the bed. No channels and just static noises. I rolled over on my side and noticed Lia standing infront of the long mirror on the wall, next to the door that lead outside to the stormy night.
“Where you going?” I yawned tiredly and watched her as she streched out her darkpurple nightgown.
“I’m just going over to Jake”
“Oh” I wiggled my eyebrows “Whatcha gonna do there?”
“Nothing” She shrugged me off, but the corner of her lips curled into a small smirk, barely visible. But if you had known Lia for as long as I had known her, you’d know.
“Well, well, have fun” I took up the remote in my right hand again and pressed on the buttons, even though it was switched off.
“I’ll be back in like 10 minutes” She bent down and picked up her raincoat that was thrown at the floor.
“Yeah” I mumbled, almost falling asleep.
I heard the door open and a breeze of cold air flew in across the room, making my skin grow goosebumps. I shivered and crawled up in fetalposition, trying to remain warm.

The sound of big thunderstorm closing in woke me up. I had fallen asleep. I looked at my cellphone and read 11.24. 20 minutes after Lia had left. I got up from the bed and tip toed over to the window. It was raining heavily, thunder and lightningbolts covered up the sky.
I wasn’t afraid of thunder, frankly, I quite enjoyed it, but this, this seemed like a storm was coming up. I noticed that I still had goosebumps, but now all over my body. I walked over to my bag and just when I was about to pull out my Scary Kids Scaring Kids sweatshirt, a strong light filled the room and a loud crash of a tree collapsing came from outside. I let out a loud shriek and lost control of myself. All I could think of was to find the guys. I ran to the door and flung it open. The rain didn’t stop me. I ran across the parking lot, the hard cement smashing against my bare feet.
I found the guys’ room and knocked on it. Rapidly.
“Lia!” I called and knocked again “Open the fucking door!”
Two seconds later Josh stood at the doorway, in nothing but a towel around his waist.
I felt my cheeks grow red and a stuttering voice said “I-is L-i-ia-a h-h-here?”
Josh laughed “No, I have no idea of where they are”
I dropped my gaze “Fuck”
Where would I go now?
“Come in”
I looked up at Josh “What?”
“Come in, you’re soaking wet. I’ll get you a shirt” He smiled and turned around, leaving me at the doorway.
I hesitated, thinking about why he suddenly became so nice. He was such a jerk, but now... sweet? I don’t know. However, I walked into their room, closing the door after me. It was just as cold as in our room, but some heat was coming from the bathroom from when Josh had showered.
I looked around in the room for him, saw him at the corner by his bag. He dropped the towel, but my God, he had boxers on. A pair with the dog Snoopy on. He turned around and walked past me and into the bathroom. He emerged a second later with a towel.
“Here” He threw it at me.
I looked at the towel, stupidly “What do you want me to do with it?”
“Uhm... like, dry yourself or something. You’re soaking wet”
He placed a black hoodie with our High School logo on it, on the sofa and a pair of sweatpants “Put ‘em on”
I took of my clothes and put on the clean and dry ones, while Josh was standing beside me. I saw him glancing at me from time to time. I pulled the shirt over my head, but it got stuck in my big fuzzy, curly hair. It only got bigger when it rained.
“Are you okay there?” I heard Josh muffle a laugh.
“Yeah, I’m just-“ I stopped and kept on pulling, but it was stuck. “I’m just-“
“You want some help?”
And before I got to say something, the shirt was down over my head. Josh pulled it down over my stomach and fixed it. He pulled up the zipper all the way, until he reached my chin. He swallowed hard and his brown eyes connected with mine.
He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, but nothing came out. He lifted his hands and cupped my face. That’s when I understood. He leant forward and brushed his lips against mine, slowly.
I pushed him away from me "What the hell are you doing?"
"Let it go, Guin" He said and pressed himself against me. I pushed him off of me one more time, and gave him a puzzled look.
"What does this mean?"
He walked up to me, grinning like a mad man "Whatever you want"
I felt the butterflies in my stomach rise and shoot out their wings. I closed my eyes in satisfaction and let him kiss me. It was just a small kiss, but it was still a kiss. My hands found their way up around his waist, pulling him closer to me. I could feel his grin against my neck and moaned when he bit me gently, not wanting to harm me.
“Guin?” He whispered, making the butterflies in my stomach do backflips.
“Yeah, Josh?”
“I’m sorry for being such an ass”
I giggled “You’re so forgiven”
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I'm sorry if it sucks :(