Jukebox Lovers


"That's Jacqui Larson."
-Chapter One

"Destiny is a questionable word to choose."
-Chapter Two

"Well it seems I see you everywhere I go."
-Chapter Three

"You have no idea what kind of situation I am in."
-Chapter Four

"You don't know what love is."
-Chapter Five

-Chapter Six

"Sorry doesn't cut it."
-Chapter Seven

"Some days I swear I see his face."
-Chapter Eight

"We probably won't see each other again."
-Chapter Nine

"Are you sure love is the word you're looking for?"
-Chapter Ten

"I'm glad we had this little chat."
-Chapter Eleven

"Well, I suppose I'll get going."
-Chapter Twelve

If you haven't figured it out yet, these are quotes from the story. It keeps me on track with my plot, and gives you an inside look. Just because these quotes are here, does not mean I have finished all of my chapters. I haven't written any of them, I just know I can fit those quotes with my plot. This is an original slash meaning all characters belong to me. Don't steal.

I also saw somebody stole a title off of my old Quizilla name. "Amidst it All, You Stole My Heart". I find out you're stealing my titles, characters, or plots, and I will not be a happy camper. I'm going to start copywriting stuff if people don't stop stealing my ideas.

Anyway, finished with the rant. Please enjoy!