Flatspace I: Untitled

The Battle

The Battle-Station was huge and Miles did a quick scan. His Crystal Lotus Scanner beeped and the data was returned instantly.
MXL-256 Dawn Thunder
Commander: Marcus “Mark” Sheeky
Live Bounty: 0Cr
Dead Bounty: 1,570,800Cr
Weapon(s): Triququaric Annihilator, Felimar NM1 Nuke *2, Iko C Missile * 3
Shield: Tetron Shield (MaxCharge: 10,000)
Defences: Rock EMP Device (TechLevel: 4)
Fighters/Bays: 10/10
Miles had never seen a ship so heavily armoured, what really disturbed him though was the two NM1s Sheeky had attached to his missile-pylons. One would take out a space-station, so two… One must be for something else. Then, Miles knew, one for his home, one for his work. The Iko C’s… That was for him, three of them would leave him a sitting duck if he discharged his Core Generator too quickly using the Xox Reprogrammer, all Sheeky had to do then was spin round and fire the Triququaric Annihilator, Game Over…
Miles decided, shoot first, ask later and fired his new Minigun at the hull of the Dawn Thunder. Sheeky noticed instantly and launched his fighters at Miles. Evasive action! Miles spun his Gladius round and jetted off in the opposite direction. Alarms started sounding and Miles spotted an Iko C on his tail, it could out-run him, but, it could not out-turn him. For the first time in his life Miles was glad he lived in an asteroid field. He spun round again and accelerated, the missile turned to chase him, five-hundred meters away, four-hundred meters away, two-hundred and fifty metres away… Miles swung the Gladius round an asteroid. THUD! The missile clattered into the asteroid blowing it into three smaller fragments which went flying in random directions. One just missed him, one flew towards Sheeky and pinged off his Tetron Shield exploding into even smaller fragments, the last one, however, crunched into the Gladius’ Intaris S1 Shield. Shields were now at ninety-percent, the Carbide Armour remaining undamaged. More alarms, another missile followed by the sickening, reverberating buzzing drone of the Triququaric Annihilator. Miles pulled up, the Missile followed at close quarters and the Annihilator just clipped the rear section of his shield. He reprogrammed the missile and it spun back round at Sheeky’s Battle-Station. There was a loud bang and a flash of light, the missile was gone, Sheeky had fired his EMP. Miles knew that now was not the time to launch the Stun Torpedo, Sheeky would just detonate his EMP, that could be an advantage though, it would drain his Core-Generator. Miles had forgotten completely about the fighters, they then swooped down on him and fired. Fortunately they only had pitiful Renton M1 Machine Guns, bullets pinged off the Shield causing it to flicker. Miles twisted the joystick and fired his Minigun. The five fighters exploded in a shower of sparks, some left behind little yellow and black tetrahedrons, escape-pods. Miles quickly scanned them and saw that they all had bounties on their heads. He switched on his MineMaster 3000 and sucked them into the craft. The MineMaster disassembled the escape-pod and minced the occupant. Miles was left with titanium and mince-meat which he could sell for profit. Not pleasant, but one of the few ways to make a living.