Flatspace I: Untitled

An alternate world

There was a beeping noise. Miles groaned and opened his eyes. He saw his clock, 7:30am, the red LED numbers flickering slightly, casting a dull red glow on the desk around them. Miles groaned and silenced the alarm, he turned over in his bed and saw a wall, not a metal plate, a wall. Miles sat up and looked around the room.
A computer sat on a beech-wood desk along with a keyboard, mouse and nineteen-inch, flat-panel monitor. On the opposite wall a plasma-screen TV hung on it, the cables hanging loosely, underneath it a PS3, it’s cables trailing up the wall towards the TV, snaking in and out of the shelves below the TV. A window to the left of Miles let natural light into the room through the partly-closed blinds. A door on the same wall as the TV was slightly ajar letting un-natural light from the landing-light into the room in a little, orangey stream. Miles stood up and walked towards the window and opened the blinds fully, it was snowing, the front lawn had a light dusting of the powdery white substance on it. The cars had about half an inch of snow coating them, there were also little paw-prints across the lawn. Miles walked to the computer and shook the mouse, the screen flickered into life, a game was running, Flatspace II: Rise of the Scarrid. Miles scratched his head and loaded a game. He nearly fell over in shock. It was his Gladius on screen. He tapped the escape-key and looked at the stats. AMD-512 Kitsunetsuki. This was his world, but in a computer game. How, he did not know. Where he was, he did not know. How he was going to get home, he did not know…