The Princess, the Table and Maple


With a monkey on her shoulder, Maple begin to search for a room to begin her beauty sleep because she refuses to sleep in the bathroom like any normal people would. So apparently her closest friend was not norm, heck the monkey had better sense then to sleep in the bathroom! Walking down the hallway, she opened door after door but there was always someone or thing that found the room before her. Although, there was one...that had two beds, one occupied by a GUY~! So that was out of the question.

Growing desperate, she begin to have second thoughts about the room with the unknown guy, turning back around with the monkey screeching in her ear saying "Crazy girl, no! Not bathroom, not guy!"

"Hey, since when do monkeys talk like parrots" She muttered, sleepy. Then there was a room with a door that she never notice, there was no bed but there was a table and a table cloth; it was not a bathroom, it didn't contain any weird creatures or a human. As far as poor exhausted Maple was concern, it was heaven! Running joyously towards the table-turn-bed (in Maple's eyes), she slammed into some sort of clear wall between her and her paradise.

"What am I ?! A mime?!" She cried, sliding down the see-through wall dramatically.

The wall seem to have a weak spot where it stops resembling a wall but more of plastic wrap! Maple sat up and poked curiously at the pitiful so-called wall as she poked at it; the air behind the slowing-forming-into-plastic-wrap-wall, begin to swirl and darken...

Voices could be heard,
"The barrier is weakening!" -panicky voice-

"What?!" -angry voice-

"Dear Gods, please don't let anyone come through!" -squeaky voice-

"This isn't time for words, its time for action! Quick! Gather everyone before that girl breaks it completely!"-voice with authority-

The monkey, though he (or she?) only just met Maple; he (she?) knows the human kind, begun screeching, squawking, chirping or whatever monkeys do, " Don't go through, crazy girl(<-affectionally), don't don't don't! "

But in Maple's mind, it was saying, "Go for it! What's to loose? You've already lost your beauty sleep!"
"Yosh!" she smile in a sleepy way and with that she tore off the plastic wrap wall.

"Farewell, no-decent-bedroom-for-an-weary-girl-world..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Like it? Should I quit? Should I return to reading and no writing? Keep my stories to myself? in a journal with gazillion locks so I don't ruin the art of writing stories? or someone's brain?