
Chapter 5 - Computing

Next up, computing, Miles used this time to steal a bit of time on Uplink. He was flicking through InterNIC when he came across a server he had never seen before. "Darwinia Research Group Central Mainframe." Miles decided to hack it for a laugh. He was in the file-server within ten minutes and was leisurely flicking through the files when he came across a folder called PDA Software. He quickly downloaded the whole folder to his Gateway, erased the logs and disconnected. This time he made sure he erased the logs on InterNIC and his Auxiliary Gateways so that a passive trace would go cold. He just quickly reconnected to the DRG Login Terminal and was shocked to find a 404.5 computer does not Exist.
He tried the Central Mainframe, 404.3 Server does not exist.
Darwinia has wiped itself off the face of the 'net just after the downloads had completed. Miles copied the folder to an Auxiliary Gateway, deleted it off his personal one and then downloaded the files direct to his PDA. He logged off Uplink just as the school-bell rang to signal the start of mathematics. He packed up and left for math.