
Chapter 6 - Unforseen Concequences

While walking along the corridor, Miles had his PDA connected to one of his implants, the one that allowed his brain to interface directly with computer equipment, he especially liked that one. Looking through the folder it was all DAT files, just one executable. "worldedit.exe". He ran it.
"Welcome Darwinia Admin, please enter the dev password."
Miles loaded the password breaker off of the PDA and ran it, a minute later he was sitting in class and his HUD alerted him that the password was broken. He logged in and was confronted with a panel covered in buttons. It looked a lot like a TV remote, but also Inventory. Like a cross between the two.
Miles experimented and pressed the button labeled "pause". The text "simulation paused" appeared in his vision and everything appeared to have stopped moving. Miles blinked to check he was not sleeping, then picked up his pencil and dropped it. It just hung in midair. Gawking at it, he received an email.
" To: Unknown Hacker
From: Darwinia Root
Subj: <None>
Body: Who the hell are you and how did you get the world editor?
Respond immediately."
Miles blinked at the email and responded.
" To: Darwinia Root
From: <Hidden>
Subj: Re: <NONE>
Body: Miles Kjeller, Uplink Agent FoxBoy, how can I be of assistance?"
He sent it and waited, there was a response a few seconds later, by which time Miles had un-paused the "sim"
" To: Miles Kjeller
From: Darwinia Root
Subj: I'm listening.
Body: Dr. Damien Anderson here, I just checked my database and there is something I should tell you, would you care to meet me. Ryder Haven (214,145,80)?"
Miles responded instantly.
" To: Damien Anderson
From: Miles Kjeller
Subj: Re: I'm listening
Body: What time, and I will come. Be alone, no weapons."
One last email came in.
" To: Miles Kjeller
From: Damien Anderson
Subj: Re: Re: I'm listening
Body: 7:30pm, be there."
Miles closed the world editor and continued through all his classes, then got taken home in the van. If it weren't for the software, and the emails, then today would have been a normal day.