
Chapter 7 - "Uplink"

Miles glanced at his clock. The red LED glowing in the darkness of his room, the only other thing providing light was his laptop's display.
Miles turned on the spot and vanished. He promptly reappeared at the InfoHub in Ryder Haven, handgun hidden at his side he walked towards the coordinates Dr. Anderson had given him. He glanced at his watch,
"I thought you said no weapons." a voice said from behind him.
Miles whipped round and drew his gun. An old, balding ban in a while lab-coat stood before him.
"How did you know before I drew it?" Miles asked as he slipped it back into its holster.
"That will be explained."
"You had better make it quick, I don't know how long it will be before the 'home notices I am gone."
"You do not need to worry about that, look at your watch."
Miles glanced down at it,
It had stopped.
"I developed that software you stole. I am just glad you did not delete it or any other files on the mainframe. You see, now, you do not tell ANYBODY this."
Miles blinked in acknowledgment.
"You, and everyone else in this world is a computer program. I developed the base code and you started to advance and replicate. It was an experiment to see what would happen if I put in variables from the, what I call "first-life" human race. I must say, history pretty much repeated itself exactly. The real year is 2012, I accelerated the simulation of your world a while ago, so one of your years is currently one of our months. I must say, though, I didn't expect furries to be developed."
Miles was speechless, almost as if his brain had switched off.
"No none of this is 'real'" he muttered.
"It is not real to me, but it is real to you and everyone else who lives here."
"I never believed in Gods, but, I suppose, you are one having created our entire existence."
"Well, when I say, exact replication I am exaggerating a bit. Things like Inventory would be impossible to make identical to yours in our world, no matter how well we developed technology. You see, some of this world's scientists discovered a kind of link to my Central Mainframe. They just called it another law of physics and worked with it. I decided 'no harm done' and just let them continue. I was surprised what they did with it, I may add."
"So, you are telling me, that we are data, on a mainframe computer in another world."
"If you put it that way, I suppose, yes. But, my current project is transferring data from your world to mine. I can already do it the other way, from mine into yours, and I can transfer data from program to program."
"I... well... ugh... I am NOT REAL?!?" Miles was getting more and more irate, this... person... had just come along and told him that the whole of Miles' life was just an experiment, nothing he had ever done was real.
"It is REAL in this world..."
"BUT THIS WORLD IS NOT REAL! You had BETTER get that data transferrer working soon because I want to be the first thing through it."
"Now Miles, calm d..."
"That is where my mistake was."
"What do you mean, 'Mistake'?"
"Your UPLINK network is connected to my worlds UPLINK network and the other virtual worlds network. It is the only thing that interconnects them all. I didn't realize that giving your world a link to the 'outside' shall we call it, that one of you would eventually find out. It happened, it was you."
At this Anderson's cell-phone rang, he picked it up.
"Anderson, yes, yes... excellent, we have someone here who will do it, thank-you." Anderson hung up and looked at Miles.
"Come with me, Teleport to this location." Anderson said as he sent Miles a landmark through Inventory. He then promptly disappeared. Miles followed.
When Miles reappeared he was presented by a tube, pretty much.
"Step in there and I will recompile you in my world. This is total genetic reconstruction, so it could take a while and may not be 100% successful." Anderson muttered.
"Just do it." Miles stated bluntly as he walked into the tube and sat on the chair that was inside it.
Anderson turned to a panel on the wall behind him and pressed a single button. Miles felt a weird tingling sensation, then his world went blank.