Touched By Angels, I Fall Out Of Grace

Swing with me.

"Your being so stupid!" I yelled, "All you do now is blow me off for Tyler!"
"No I'm not, and no I don't!" Savannah yelled back.
"You know what? Fuck you. Don't bother talking to me until you pull your head out of your ass!" I said before walking out of her house, slamming the door behind me.

I made my way down the street, tears streaming down my face. I was losing my best friend. I've never felt so alone. I started running, my converse pounding the pavement. I didn't know where I was going but it felt good to runaway. I came to a stop as I got to my usual park. I seemed to always find a way here when I was upset. I made my way over to the swings, not noticing a kid sitting on a bench close by. I swung slowly. The only sound was the squeaking of the swing and the sound of approaching thunder. My head was bowed, my long dark brown hair cascading down around my tear staind face. My bright green eyes were red from crying. I saw a pair of all black converse as someone sat on the swing next to me. I lifted my head. He had messy black hair that hung in his beautiful olive eyes and was watching me with a sad look.

"Hello" I whispered.
"Hi" he answered msiling a little.
We swung in silence for a little bit. "My name is Gerard." he said sticking out his hand.
"Abbie" I said while shaking his hand.
"What's wrong?" Gerard asked.
"My best friend is blowing me off for her boyfriend." I whispered, wiping away tears.
It started to rain but neither of us moved. We just sat there swinging.
When it started getting dark Gerard got up and looked at me. "I have to go. Would you like to come?" he asked.
"Where?" I asked.
He smiled and grabbed my hand. We walked for a bit until we were about a block away from my house. He turned up a drive way. "My house." he smiled.
He let go of my hand and we walked inside. Their were three boys sitting in the living room playing video games. "Guys?" Gerard said clearing his throat. None of them turned around. "Guys?" he asked again. Still nothing. "GUYS!" he yelled. One of them jumped. They turned around and looked at me. "Who is that?" one of them asked. "This is Abbie. Abbie thats Mikey my brother, Ray, Bob, and-" he stopped short looking around. "Where's Frank?" he asked. "Around here somewhere." Mikey said. The three boys said hello and went back to their video games. Gerard shruged and sat on the couch patting the spot next to them. A few minutes later I heard someone behind me ask, "Who is that?"