Touched By Angels, I Fall Out Of Grace

Water fight!

I looked down and saw that I was only in a big t-shirt. I quickly put my covers back on me. "Can I have a minute?" I asked. Gerard laughed and all the guys walked out. I threw on a pair of ripped jeans, a black polo, and my beat up converse. I put on some eyeliner and chapstick. I brushed my hair and teeth then opened my door to go down stairs. I ran into Gerard who was standing at my door. "Holy crap Gerard! You scared the everlivin' out of me!" I said clutching my chest. "Sorry." He smiled. "What?" I asked, smoothing down my hair, "Is there something wrong?" "Oh no, nothing. Just that Frank wouldn't shut up about you last night." He said taking off down the stairs. "Gerard? Gerard! What was he saying?" I asked running after him. "I'm not going to tell!" he yelled as he got to the bottom of the stairs. I flung myself on him, knocking us both down. "What did he say?" I asked, pinning him to the ground. "Damn woman! You are good at pinning me." he said trying to get up. "What was he saying?" I asked. "I'm not telling!" he said smiling. I started to squeeze my thighs. "NO! Not the ninja grip! Okay, okay I'll tell you." he said squirming. "Lets hear it" I said. "He kept saying that you were really cute and their was something about you that he really liked." he said smiling up at me. I smiled and got up. "Thank you." I walked into the livingroom straightening my shirt.

All the guys were laying around. "Finally!" Ray said. "I didn't take that long!" I said sitting down."So what do you guys want to do?" As soon as I was done talking I felt ice cold water being poured on my head. I looked up and Gerard disappeared around the corner. "Damn it Gerard!" I yelled after him. I ran into the kitchen and got a water bottle out of the fridge. I heard giggling. I smiled and opened up the bottle. I peeked around the corner and saw Gerard. I squeezed the water bottle on him. He screamed and jumped away. We both looked at eachtoher and got an idea. We both grabbed a water bottle and punched holes on the top and walked into the livingroom. "You guys done having fun?" Bob asked. "Not quite" Gerard said. We started to spray Mikey, Bob, Ray, and Frankie with the water bottles. They all screamed and went running outside.

Frankie grabbed the hose and sparyed us when we came running after them. I screamed and tried to get Frank as Gerard went to get the others. I ran up to Frankie while he was still spraying me. I grabbed the nozzle, pointing it at him. He laughed and we fought to point it at eachother. Frank slipped on the puddle under our feet. I stared laughing and set down the hose, kneeling down to see if he was okay. He jumped on me and pinned me, grabbing the hose and spraying it at me. I started laughing and trying to block the water. We locked eyes for a second and and set the hose down looking at me. He started to lean forward but Mikey came around the corner screaming like a girl. Ray was running after him with a water gun he must have found in the backyard. Mikey slipped in our puddle and so did Ray. Me and Frankie started laughing. Frank rolled off of me and lay next to me with Mikey and Ray. Soon after Bob and Gerard collasped on the grass too.

We all layed there for a bit until Ray whined that he was thristy. "Alright I'll get you something" I said getting up and walking into the house. My converse made squeaky sounds on the tile as I made my way to the kicthen. I had my head in the fridge looking for sodas when I heard Frank say, "Need help?" I smiled and pulled out 3 sodas handing them to him. I grabbed three more and set them on the counter going to get a paper towel to wipe the water off my face. After I was done wiping my face off I opened my eyes to see Frank close to me.