Touched By Angels, I Fall Out Of Grace

Rachel? Who's Rachel?

Frank leaned in and gently planted a kiss on my lips. He pulled and back and looked surprised. I must have looked just as suprised because he started to fumble for words, "I'm...I'm sor- sorry..I didn't...shit..." I just stood there shocked, watching him run away.

*Gerard's POV*
I saw Frank come running out of Abbie's house, his face flushed. "Frankie? Man, where are you going?" I sat up yelling. He just ingnored me and kept running.

*Normal POV*
I finally snapped out of it after what seemed like forever, but was probably only like 30 seconds. I ran to the door looking to see where he went. "Where's Frank?" I asked Gerard. He pointed down the road with a confused look on his face. I took off after him. I got to the corner and saw Frank just alittle down the street. I ran after him yelling, "Frank!" He ignored me and just kept running. I finally caught up with him, grabbing his shoulder. He turned around. Both of us were breathing heavily, staring at eachother. I walked up to him closing the gap between us. I grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him. He seemed shocked at first but then he began to kiss me back. He pulled me close, not one part of my body was not connected to his. We pulled away breathless, and rested our foreheads together. He leaned his head back, looking into my eyes. I saw a glint of passion in his hazel eyes. He smiled and hugged me. "Why did you run away?" I asked. "I thought you didn't like me, hell I didn't even know what I was doing until I pulled away." he laughed. "Frank, I've liked you since I set my eyes on you..." I said looking down. He raised my head with the tips of his fingers. "Remember when I went to tell you something the first night I met you?" he asked. "Yeah." I answered. "Well I was going to tell you there was something I liked about you that I couldn't figure out, but i thought it was too soon. I didn't even think you had the same feelings." he said blushing. I hugged him. "Let's go back to my house." I said grabbing his hand and heading back up the street.

We got to my house and Gerard was standing in my front yard with his hands on his hips. "Anybody care to explain?" he asked. "Frankie got scared when he kissed me and ran away, so I went after him and kissed him back. No biggy." I said smiling. Gerard's eyes grew wide. "I knew it! I knew you guys were going to end up together. Damn I am a good matchmaker!" he said jumping around. "Wait 'til I introduce you to my friend Rachel." I said walking into my house, Frank right behind me. Gerard stopped jumping around, "Rachel? Who's Rachel?" he asked running in after us.